Tech IndustryJun 22, 2022

Interesting interaction with Amazon

Last job hunt, I got offer from Amazon also but when I got MSFT, I rejected Amazon (it was downlevel to L4). After that, I got a text from Amazon HM/SDM asking to talk. There I learnt about how great Amazon is on the resume that I will be flooded with recruiters after joining Amazon and WLB is top priority for this Amazon/AWS team. I later told SDM that MSFT team and work seems more interesting to me and will be better fit. So the HM said they will setup a meeting between me and their manager (who would have been my skip) who is ex-MSFT since their manager is shocked I am picking MSFT over AWS because AWS culture and work is better than MSFT. At this point, I was not sure what to do so I said I have accepted MSFT and Amazon SDM wished me good luck. TC: 170K Amazon TC: 190K

Amazon $AMAZON Jun 22, 2022

You did the right thing. Don’t feel remorseful.

Microsoft oyetc OP Jun 22, 2022

I wonder if I was hire to fire pip fodder lol

Amazon sm2802_ Jun 22, 2022

I declined aws offer too. Interned there and it’s very stressful. Accepted msft too. Working fully remote. Also, msft has the best managers :))

Amazon dxKH47 Jun 22, 2022

He missed a potential PIP. AWS SDMs are hungry lions searching for donkeys to kill.

D. E. Shaw & Co. bludped66 Jun 22, 2022

Wow, such sad reality Amazon is.

Microsoft SeekRemote Jun 22, 2022

Ask them 300k then join

Microsoft oyetc OP Jun 22, 2022

I was downleveled so I think I can try again after 6 months.

qlrh06 Jun 22, 2022

Scared to even attend Amazon interviews that they may give the job

Shippo 💤oro Jun 22, 2022

AWS and WLB!? hard to believe

Microsoft oyetc OP Jun 22, 2022

There might have been some truth to that for Amazon standards at least. Not all of AWS services are a dumpster fire. Probably tough for normal standards but not amazon

Microsoft XKbn54 Jun 22, 2022

Had similar interaction - got offer but was downleveled - I told the recruiter thanks but no thanks. Recruiter gave me a whole song and dance about how it was in my interest to be downleveled. I didn't buy it, and my friends at Amazon advised me against taking a downleveled offer. HM reached out to me on LinkedIn about how he thought I would still be a great fit, I responded politely but reiterated the downlevel was a deal breaker.

Microsoft oyetc OP Jun 22, 2022

Yeah, downlevel is not negotiable. That being said Amazon L5 is more like L62/L63

Amazon Baobaab Jun 22, 2022

Never take a down level. It is super hard to advance (get a promo) at Amazon. Also, 190k is 🥜. Ask for at least 250K. Amazon has all the money in the world.

Coinbase Xzpc86 Jun 22, 2022

The desperation in their attempt should give you a clue into their situation. You made the right call OP