Backend development to Data engineering

I have 3 years of experience and Ive explored testing and backend development roles so far. Recently I was laid off and then I joined one medium size company Eventbrite where I’m working on Python development and AWS mostly and so far I’m liking the work but the env seems a bit low on energy and motives and has permanent wfh. Today I’ve got another offer from one of my previous company HPE for Cloud Engineer role which is focused on data engineering and has hybrid model and good WLB. One of my personal preference is I want wfo. Working from home since the start of career hasn’t been that great for me and I really crave networking now. Please advice me on what should I do.

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PubNub ELAU43 Aug 17, 2023

Hey are you in india ?

Amazon suzi500 OP Aug 17, 2023


Amazon otvg Aug 17, 2023

It’s better be in person & learn from leaders/ network early in career. You learn so much from their body language, confidence etc which you cannot learn by wfh. So take whatever opportunity you get and go into it. SWE & DE are not so different and in most companies the pay is quite equal.

mrhungwell Aug 18, 2023

Data engineering is a big downgrade from SWE. You're just going to be baby sitting a bunch of processes while your skills rot. The hours are inevitably going to be terrible, stuff will break and you'll be expected to get up and fix it regardless. I don't know why anyone would voluntarily switch from SWE to DE.

Amazon suzi500 OP Aug 18, 2023

I’m aware of that so only planning to look for a switch once the probation period is over