
What % is the market(nasdaq) falling tomorrow?

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Infosys emeraldk Feb 21, 2022

It’s going to go up by end of day

Yelp yomaha OP Feb 21, 2022

What makes you say that?

Infosys emeraldk Feb 21, 2022

Markets often anticipate bad news for a long time and when it comes, it reacts in a positive way - akin to a relief rally. Difficult to predict but once the news is absorbed, traders start thinking of what next. At a geopolitical level - it may create some uncertainty - worst case would be a world war (very unlikely) and best case may be a diplomatic stand off - My guess is that Russia will get into Ukraine and the West will make statements and possibly do some sanctions etc and then Russia will back off a little bit - while still making inroads to satisfy its base. There will likely be no direct impact of this economically apart from oil price spike which can be again managed by increasing production in the Middle East. The bigger issue economically is inflation - which we can hope is transitory and will go down once supply chains ease out and interest rates go up - If inflation stays hot for a long time - we may be looking at a recession which will be quite bad for the market (going by Powell’s record - I trust that is again very unlikely)

bob lazar Feb 21, 2022

Why do you think it’s going down

Yelp yomaha OP Feb 21, 2022

Have you looked at the futures and news(Russia Ukraine)?

Microsoft red wolf Feb 21, 2022


Medtronic trumpk Feb 21, 2022

Circuit breakers tomorrow -7% just like March 2020

TikTok vtxq9c Feb 21, 2022

Not a chance

Walmart TRex-PM Feb 22, 2022


Investment Bank Glinda Feb 21, 2022

Some analysts are predicting a 43% decline in the overall market over the next 6 months. It will probably be less, but not less than another 20%. If you have quality stocks hold them, historically markets recover in 3-5 years.

Fiserv 🥜maan Feb 21, 2022

Historically many analysts were wrong in predicting the market.

Amazon PiPted Feb 21, 2022

What will oil do?

Microsoft zQGF12_6 Feb 22, 2022

🤡 🤡 🤡