COVID-19Mar 29, 2020

China's phone carrier subscriptions down 15 million users

while in the US we've seen internet activity skyrocket. Makes you wonder where these people went 🌝#covid-19 #coronavirus

Verizon tuckfrump Mar 29, 2020


Compass F ME PAY U Mar 29, 2020


Essential xmans Mar 29, 2020

Lol. On one hand, people like you claim the Chinese are covering up the truth and facts. But when the Chinese themselves release some news on how this outbreak affects the business, you would try to make something up - all these people are dead.

Compass F ME PAY U Mar 29, 2020

That was meant for the phone carriers. Calm down Gina!

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Mar 29, 2020

Dead people cannot cancel their accounts

Roku Batmobiles Mar 29, 2020

Sure they can

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Mar 29, 2020

Please demonstrate

Argo AI Arrrrgo Mar 29, 2020

They have month to month contracts and people have WiFi at home and nobody uses texting (all wechat) so makes sense

Western Digital tnskpd Mar 29, 2020

But who wants to lose own phone#? Why they did now?

Argo AI Arrrrgo Mar 29, 2020

I don’t think it works the same way in China as when you turn off in the US

buysvxy Mar 29, 2020

🇨🇳CCP concentration camps and hospitals that "collapsed" where only 20 ppl were "saved."

Microsoft Winniepooh Mar 29, 2020

Oh Please.. call them re-education centers.

DoorDash esefhjndd Mar 29, 2020

I wonder where are all the jihadis are now, when their brothers are getting killed in china? Oh wait they are busy buying arms from china to fight elsewhere.

bold_bro Mar 29, 2020

Non local workers go back home and isolated there, cancel phone pkg to avoid unnecessary fee. Simple, Chinese travelled a lot during Spring Festival, 15 MLN not much

LinkedIn njxks7 Mar 29, 2020

Is Bloomberg a tool of propaganda now? Most Chinese users have 2 numbers, one for work one for personal use. During 2+ month of lockdown, the work one is inactive thus the decrease in numbers. Fake news is easy to believe if you don't know the context.

Essential xmans Mar 29, 2020

The western media always is full of double standard and hypocrisy. When the Chinese enforced lockdown and quarantine to contain the outbreak, they said it is inhuman and concealing facts. Now, they doing the lockdown themselves!

Compass F ME PAY U Mar 29, 2020

The beatings and general violation of human rights for Chinese citizens is what they were referring to. I know it’s hard to understand as a savage from the Far East.

Quora Luckforme Mar 29, 2020

I know it may look like high tech for Americans But two or more numbers are reasonable. One is for your wife, the second is for fist lover, the third is for second...... It is not easy to make mess.

Compass F ME PAY U Mar 29, 2020

Don’t forget about your sister. We haven’t. She go boom boom long time

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Amazon sherpas Mar 29, 2020

Spanish virus is Kansas virus.

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Mar 29, 2020

I'll just leave this here so you can educate yourself:

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