Is this legit? Will devs get replaced?

I saw a website called Remotasks that is offering devs 45USD per hour to train AI bots to learn to code and improve their responses. Will devs get replaced soon?

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Block Stockpin Dec 15, 2023

No, we'll just get 20x more productive by managing AI coding bots. As long as business requirements remain unspecific and full of vagaries, there will be humans to decipher them.

IBM abysq OP Dec 15, 2023

Agree with getting more productive, but there will less number of people needed right? Like with automation of testing you really don’t need as many QAs as before… but isn’t deciphering the job of a product manager?

Amazon tybalt Dec 15, 2023

20x more productive means 1/20 devs needed

State Farm steezy2110 Dec 15, 2023

Well just get more productive and get work done faster

Pinterest pin pin 📌 Dec 15, 2023

Pinterest has being using some cool AI tools for coding - to be honest they’re nice as hell, but far from perfect primarily around the actual hard problems and will spew out total bullshit. It’s fuckin awesome for cranking out unit tests and boiler plate code but you’ve really gotta babysit it. GPT4-Turbo likes to use libraries that don’t exist or solutions that are wildly inefficient, but I feel way more productive cause I don’t need to spend a day writing lame tests that nobody really gives a shit about

Pbqz53 Dec 15, 2023

Definitely i build automate some infrastructure to the level that 100% automated what got myself on my team to be laid off.

IBM abysq OP Dec 16, 2023

Oh man sorry to hear! That sucks

LADHS wugtheory Dec 18, 2023

I don't know, I'm not a coding expert for Remotasks, but I'm working on a project for them. It's for a pretty big company and their new AI product. The responses are pretty bad most of the time. Sometimes it just spews out complete nonsense, contradicts itself, etc.