Misc.Dec 23, 2022

21st Century Climate Change Activism vs 11th Century Catholic Church

This mainly pertains to main stream media's climate change activism. 1) End of the world predictions. End of the world predictions literally nothing new. Popes and Cardinals predicted that the world would end (none of them were right). Al Gore also predicted that arctic would be ice free in 2008 (he was also wrong). But don't worry, the world is REALLY gonna end in 30 years 2) Silence all oppositions. 11th Century Catholic Church: Got something different to say? Burn that heretic at the stakes. Disagree with the church? Drown the witch 21st Century Climate Change Activism: Got something different to say? You are anti-science. Disagree with the mainstream narrative? We will shut you out of any media access. 3) Pay me or else 11th Century Catholic Church: Pay the church a tithe or you are ostracized. Pay for your indulgences or be damned 21st Century Climate Change Activism: Pay 40K to 60K for an EV or you are a planet destroyer. Spend hundreds of millions of dollars building out solar infrastructure (Germany) only to have energy crunch when Russia cut the fossil fuel 4) The rules are for the peasants 11th Century Catholic Church: A good Catholic should be happy in poverty while the Church is one of the richest institutions at the time. A good Catholic should not be promiscuous while Popes and Cardinals have bastard kids 21st Century Climate Change Activism: Carbon taxes will be levied against the poorest people and countries while the rich travel in private jets (to COP conferences no less). "Net zero emissions" means that polluting industries like steel, agriculture and manufacturing will be shipped to a third world country where peasants do the work and get the blame.

Capital One 258384 Dec 23, 2022

I feel like your taking things out of proportion. Putting a few billion towards research and asking people to pay 10-20% more for clean power isn’t a big deal to most people (and we could subsidize clean power for lower income). Also EV doesn’t need to mean $100k Tesla

Google mKeW65 OP Dec 24, 2022

The tithe was 10% of you salary. You literally cannot get a second handed EV for under 15K, which wouldn't be a problem if US funded public transportation but they don't

Capital One 258384 Dec 24, 2022

If a few years you’ll totally be able to get an EV for inflation adjusted $25k. Being said, since when does a car only cost 10% of the average yearly salary? Until then, I believe even the average Kia gets insane gas mileage and those things are stupid cheap

McKinsey J.Pow Dec 23, 2022

Y’all really need to stop with this Only less than 10% of climate change advocates / believers use the doom and gloom rhetoric I can also point out to groups with member that similar rhetorics when talking about social media, lgbtq, immigration and a hell lot of things.

McKinsey J.Pow Dec 23, 2022

Also if say the US spent less in wars and more in green energy we would already have affordable and efficient solutions

Microsoft YOhw87 Dec 23, 2022

While that might be true, we would also not be living in the United States any longer

McKinsey J.Pow Dec 23, 2022

Not saying spend zero, saying spend less There’s no evidence that cutting military spend by 50% would change anything. Not even any indication lol. If US had borders with Russia or China it’d be easier for me to believe that

Intel the grinch Dec 23, 2022
