Rally Health Offer Evaluation and Company Info

Received the following offer from Rally Health Principal Software Engineer Base: $200k RSUs(UNH Stock): $160k/4 years Bonus(for meets expectations): 15%-20% target according to recruiter Stock Refreshers(for meets expectations): 60%-80% of annual vest amount according to recruiter No Sign On TC(assuming 15% bonus and not including refreshers): $270k Hoping current Rally Health employees can provide feedback on the offer as well as provide some insight into how the compensation may or may not change after the Optum Digital transition. Also, how accurate are those bonus and refresher percentages? I’ve read that you get no bonus or refreshers for meeting expectations, only for exceeding. Is this true? Current TC: $240k YOE: 6 #engineering #software #swe

Rally Health rh848 Jul 16, 2021

Bonus not going to happen at that rate. Refresher possible: But there's a possibility of nothing after the merger (not sure, if any). WLB amazing

Wayfair N3g4t1v3 OP Jul 16, 2021

What’s the target bonus % for meeting expectations? And what’s the vesting schedule for the refreshers?

Rally Health rh848 Jul 16, 2021

4 years for Refreshers, if any. Bonus varies from 1% to 20%, but hard to predict even if you meet expectations

Rally Health meowimacat Jul 17, 2021

Refresher would be 5k-10k over 4 years aNd bonus would be 0 for meets expectations. I don’t understand why the rally recruiters are lying through their teeth all the time with all the recent hires. I would suggest you look elsewhere since you won’t be getting career or comp progression at rally. So your Tc for the next few years can be considered as 240-250k for a principal engineering role which is frankly sad. You will have to work like a dog just to meet expectations at the principal level and get nothing come review time for meeting such expectations.

Wayfair N3g4t1v3 OP Jul 17, 2021

Thanks for the insight! So you’re saying WLB isn’t great at the principal level?

Rally Health meowimacat Jul 17, 2021

Yes it’s bad for principal engineers because you will be expected to lead big cross functional projects and show a lot of impact. I am leaving rally for senior engineering level position at another company for more tc than what rally offered you for principal.

Rally Health cxCh80 Jul 17, 2021

What’s your location? SF, no. Chicago, MN, yes. DC, maybe. Other remote locations other than NYC, probably yes. WLB is pretty decent across all engineering tiers.

Wayfair N3g4t1v3 OP Jul 17, 2021

I’m located in the Boston area.

Rally Health cxCh80 Jul 17, 2021

Seems the cost of living is similar to DC. So maybe if no better offer. Also, don’t expect to get 15% bonus. Even before merger most engineers don’t get that much.

Financial Services Company slamhack Aug 24, 2021

Is that all RSUs or options?

Wayfair N3g4t1v3 OP Aug 24, 2021

RSUs in United Health stock