Tech IndustryFeb 26, 2020

Will this set me up for my next opportunity at a nice tech company?

I just changed career paths from IT Audit to Data (Reporting) Analyst. My responsibilities are transitioning our tech from MS Access to MS SQL Server, introducing Tableau/MS SQL Server to the masses, Writing Python scripts that pull data into MS SQL Server from Oracle/SAP/Teradata, generating gains for our client by minimizing cost through projects that ill be responsible for Our company essentially does the logistics for an automotive comp parts that gets it from the manufacturing to the dealership. I want to see if in about a year or two if this is going to get me the experience I need to transition into a nice tech company on the west coast thst pays those 6 figure salaries as a data analyst ? if not, please explain so I can make sure to make the necessary changes. 2nd question: how can I potentially get from my current position to a data engineer? TC 70k

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VQyW35 Feb 26, 2020

2) being a data engineer from an unconventional background (so to speak) will take you to show pashion and to know your s***. It's great you're looking to go that way and you can 100% do it. Just expose yourself to as much hands on code-writing, system/db design as you can in your current role.

Panasonic Avionics pactheheat Feb 26, 2020

Learn AWS db tech. You need pad the resume with more buzzwords. I'm only seeing python and sql. You can do it. Good idea to learn some math and take a data science course. Itll introduce you to scientific python instead of just boring etl and api python.