Hudson River Trading expectations

I’m about 1 year SDE experience in another company (ignore my current company name it was from a different job before I made transition to coding) and I had been reached out by a recruiter from HRT. I wonder what kind of things they value when considering hiring SDE. Do we need to have experience coding with super complicated algorithms/math calculations or something? C++? Or what can I do if I want to prepare for landing a job in HRT in the future? Or maybe just hedge funds in general? #tech #hudsonrivertrading

zMlv08 Jan 12


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Credit Karma nurrrthy Jan 13

Has to be 3.7+?

Bloomberg epppeni Jan 13

Did you have to prove it?

Meta Cap’nToad Jan 13

If you’re talking about an external recruiter they reach out to everyone. Worry about this after it actually converts to a tech screen.

Bloomberg epppeni Jan 13

He implied it was an actual HRT recruiter

Meta Cap’nToad Jan 13

99% of the time it’s a random third party recruiter, HRT doesn’t do outreach directly

Hudson River Trading anti hero Jan 14

They won't ask you math