
Software Engineer 3 Comp Offer

Can anyone speak to how accurate with Comcast’s SE3 compensations? Levels shows an average TC of $135k. #comcast - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
Google onlyFAANG Aug 18, 2022

How many data points and how recent are they? For large tech companies the numbers are more or less in the ballpark. Companies with smaller and non-recent data points are less reliable.

Cerner dataleaked OP Aug 18, 2022

7 data points in the last month. None with my YoE. All Eng 3 are more YoE. 1 data point for new offer.

Comcast ocean_man Aug 19, 2022

Search for similar open roles based in Colorado and those should have the salary range posted. Example:

Comcast XQCdev Aug 26, 2022

Pretty accurate - SWE III at Comcast

Comcast JRvG51 Sep 16, 2022

Sounds about right