How’s the AWS security Org?

Please keep it factual and cut the Amazon sucks BS if it’s at the company level. Looking for: Culture WLB Growth opportunities TC: 400K

Amazon nomatch1 Sep 18, 2021

Bottleneck for the rest of the company. They don’t scale well. The self service tooling is theoretical at best. On the positive, security is a beast and there is a lot of scope to improve things. This is my personal experience and not a generic statement.

Juniper beaaast Sep 18, 2021

What about the wlb?

Amazon spceghost Sep 18, 2021

lol if it wasn't for security, people would store credentials in plain text in code and use year old unpatched sw🤣

Google chnou Sep 18, 2021

Seems like the AWS security people in Israel are pretty good

Amazon zeroth Sep 18, 2021

AWS security is a large org. Application security, security reviewers is a part of it but there are many services teams in that org. So it depends on which part of the org you are going to.

Facebook kbxt83 OP Sep 19, 2021

Are you from the Org ? Can i ping you?

Amazon zeroth Sep 20, 2021

Hi, feel free. I have not been in AWS Security but worked very closely with a few of them.