IndiaMay 4, 2022

Fuck You Microsoft IDC

Thanks for dragging my career back to 3 years 🤬. I was L62 at Microsoft for a good 3 years. Made me work like donkey and always told me bullshit about "Impact" lol. I literally begged for a L63 senior position. Seeing external kids getting L63 pushed me hard... Just now joined amazon with 1.6cr L6 far better pay than your L65🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 That's it. Old tc - 72L yoe - 10. Offers - Amazon, airbnb, uber, atlassian...

LinkedIn Sensei 🥷🏻✨ May 4, 2022

😅 someone call a fire brigade.

Amazon Goodguy007 OP May 4, 2022


Microsoft PIPy May 19, 2022

The brigade has been called. The cavalry is on their way as we speak.

Microsoft jdis May 4, 2022

Same is happening with me. Going for a change soon. What's your Yoe? What was your tc breakup in Microsoft? What's the tc breakup in Amazon ?

Amazon Goodguy007 OP May 4, 2022


Microsoft Tarnished5 May 4, 2022

Amazing offer, congrats OP !! L62 to L6 is an amazing jump. Did you join as an IC or manager ? Could you share your Microsoft compensation and Amazon offer breakdowns ? And your yoe as well ? I am leaving for Google soon 🙂

Amazon fileabug May 4, 2022

He was at L62 for 3 long years… And L62 to L6 is expected. But TC jump is good… Wishing WLB to be decent in his Amazon team.. 🤟🏻

Amazon Goodguy007 OP May 4, 2022

Google L5-L6? Updated my details

Oracle 👀👀eyes May 4, 2022

Very good. Now write a medium blog.

Amazon Goodguy007 OP May 4, 2022

No so sure about a medium blog.

Oracle 👀👀eyes May 4, 2022

I was just kidding. Many many congratulations.

Apple higl May 4, 2022

Blame your shitty manager, not Microsoft

Oracle 👀👀eyes May 4, 2022

Exactly... In most cases the direct management is responsible.

Amazon Goodguy007 OP May 4, 2022

I'll blame Microsoft.

Amazon fileabug May 4, 2022


Microsoft banal_phil May 4, 2022

Which org in MSFT, OP?

Salesforce gpID10 May 4, 2022

OP can you share your Airbnb offer details?

Airbnb PbjT80 May 4, 2022

Did you try for Airbnb SSE or Staff , if you got Airbnb staff, it could have easily beaten all other offers that you had my good margin. Either way congrats and you can got a really good pay bump 😎

Amazon deepPiper May 7, 2022

Airbnb details ?