PoliticsAug 24, 2022
StripePapa Bear

So 2 DOJ officials exonerated Trump

But “Both in a public statement and hours of testimony before Congress in 2019, Mueller also directly refuted claims by Trump that his report "exonerated" Trump.” This is after DC circuit ordered the full release of the memo. Most interesting thing is the brainwashed liberal parrots are calling Barr’s head for protecting Trump upon hearing this news. The reality is “The full memo released Wednesday outlines the rationale given to Barr from Steven Engel, the former head of DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel, and Ed O'Callaghan, the then-principal associate deputy attorney general. Both attorneys wrote that former special counsel Mueller's report on his investigation of Trump and Russia "identifies no actions that, in our judgment, constituted obstructive acts, done with a nexus to a pending proceeding, with the corrupt intent necessary to warrant prosecution under obstruction-of-justice statutes." Engel and O'Callaghan wrote that their determination was reached separate from considering whether Trump was already immune from prosecution because of his status as a sitting president.” “In their memo, Engel and O'Callaghan detailed multiple justifications for declining a prosecution of Trump for actions stemming from the Mueller report, which laid out 10 possible instances of obstruction of justice investigated by the special counsel's team. They wrote that the instances in Mueller's report were not similar to "any reported case" DOJ had previously charged under obstruction-of-justice statutes and described Mueller's obstruction theory as "novel" and "unusual" because of the conclusion he reached in the first volume of his report -- that evidence developed "was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with representative of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election." "It would be rare for federal prosecutors to bring an obstruction prosecution that did not itself arise out of a proceeding related to a separate crime," the memo states.” https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/doj-releases-memo-ag-barrs-decision-prosecute-trump/story?id=88808145

DOJ releases memo behind Barr’s decision not to prosecute Trump for obstruction
DOJ releases memo behind Barr’s decision not to prosecute Trump for obstruction
ABC News
Microsoft Good Deal™ Aug 24, 2022

Need a tldr.