Tech IndustryJun 29, 2022


does aviatrix do sign on bonuses? with bear market happening not to cofident stock options. also hows the company doing? tc: 260k

VMware bebopdowop Jun 29, 2022

What role did you land there ?

VMware drbF13 Jun 29, 2022

I am assuming you are from nsx. If yes, reach out folks who have gone from nsx.

VMware vRrv04 Jun 29, 2022

Whats ur offer

VMware hdvjh67GT Jul 20, 2022

Aviatix has no future. They legacy ideas of VPNs and cross-cloud networking are dead in the new world of modern app architectures, and even if u want to have this networking insanity across your clouds, u have native tools within your provider so why over complicate and go with a 3rd party (not to mention the extra costs).

VMware dfyuejeb Aug 3, 2022

Agreed the cloud connector by aviatrix is just overhead. As the cloud providers release new sdks /apis the upgrade and support of multi cloud connectivity is just painful

VMware eUqt07 OP Aug 4, 2022

CSPs do provide these tools but orchestrating this connectivity is difficult. reminds me of NSX and ACI. a lot of enterprises couldve adopt out to implement their own private cloud solution using VXLAN, BGP EVPN, private vlans and etc.. but buying solution that does all for you is easier. thats the way im viewing it