Tech IndustryJan 7, 2020

Are software Eng salaries plateauing?

Software Eng salaries have sky rocketed in the past 10 years. I remember when people were drooling over $120k for a mid level Engineer. However, it seems like we have started to plateau in the past 2 to 3 years. I don't know of any companies that have increased their TC ceiling for software engineers. I'm basing this hypothesis on the numbers I've been seeing on Blind and on Are you guys seeing this also? Please share your thoughts. - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
Microsoft freedom! Jan 7, 2020

Don't be greedy! Most of software engineers get paid more than US Senator.

Amazon drooling OP Jan 7, 2020

That's extremely small minded thinking. My greed has nothing to do with it. My pay is determined by market forces, not my greed

Microsoft ๐Ÿจ koala Jan 7, 2020

Youโ€™re naive if you think senators make their money off of the government paycheck. Thatโ€™s like only looking at our base salary and ignoring the equity and bonus.

Facebook tedss Jan 7, 2020

Likely the explosive growth is over for now. I donโ€™t see a decline coming yet. It all will depend on the economy and how much money the tech sector can make