Misc.Mar 29

Do you wish you weren't born?

I literally have no idea why I'm alive. I something think of my parents, how they might feel if I was gone and I do feel bad. But at the same time I never asked to be born. I have tried so many times to have a normal life. I tried to get into a good college (I got into an OK one), I worked hard in a hard major, I tried to get a good internship and got an OK one, and tried to make the most money I could, again doing OK but not great, I know many guys who did much better. I tried over and over again to make friends and date in college and never could. I made a few friends but haven't seen any of them, as we all moved different places after graduating and frankly I wasn't all that close with any of them. Never could get a girlfriend, still can't. After college I tried other ways to make friends and date, apps, sports, events. Nothing worked. I am still just a boring, isolated loser no one wants in their life and frankly I can't blame them. I am ugly and worthless, I'm balding, I can't get rid of my dandruff no matter how hard I try, my skin is pale and bad looking, I hate even looking in the mirror. I just can't take life, my awful genetics, my parents who never should have had me in the first place, my mediocre job, it's all just a fucking waste. I get absolutely nothing out of being alive. There is nothing in this world for me. And I'm ready to move on. I hear about people getting cancer and every time I think god I wish that were me. Why should people who want to live get cancer when someone who doesn't want to like me have to go on living? Why couldn't I be born in a country with euthanasia like Canada or Sweden? Why?

Amazon dhrifishwa Mar 29

Brother please please please see a therapist. I think getting associated with a yoga or meditation group will also help you greatly. Have you tried associating yourself with ISKCON or Heartfulness or Isha Yoga? Please explore these options as well

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I'm literally already in therapy. I have tried yoga and meditation. I have never found either to help, even longer sessions like over an hour do absolutely nothing for me. It's all just snake oil, if you have poor genetics you will never be happy, like me

Amazon jassyjazzy Mar 29

+1 for ISKCON or any sort of spiritualistic journey/reading. Maybe a nice trip to the woods and taking a break from 9-5.

TI windykundy Mar 29

What’s your race and ethnicity? Maybe we can help you if we knew that!

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

White (jewish)

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ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I'm 30, I don't identify with that term because I do not resent women, I think they're perfectly reasonable and justified in rejecting me, my genetics are shit. I just wish I had never been born, that's my only issue.

Amazon TechJinnie Mar 29

Try getting a Russian bride?

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29


Amazon TechJinnie Mar 29

Plenty of international chics will be eager to marry a US bachelor and make your life more colorful

ServiceNow NOW1000 Mar 29

There actually is a concept that you have described. It’s called antinatalism, and a totally legit thing

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I know, I am 100% an antinatalist. I absolutely wish I wasn't born.

PayPal Chuckydoll Mar 29

You are in a better position than many people who can't walk, talk, or even worse, can't see, and I can go on and on. Be happy bro, don't think too much. It's Friday, go out enjoy.

Meta Gabruda Mar 29

Telling someone who is suffering that there are other people who have it much worse is never a good idea.

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I am not going to tell those people they have to stay alive or not. It's a personal decision everyone has to make. "It's Friday, go out" Go out where? With who? I have no friends. I can't get dates. Every Friday is a reminder of what an ugly loser I am

Meta Gabruda Mar 29

Yes, when I was clinically depressed and anxious. Years of therapy helped me feel better. OP, please talk to a psychologist. It will take some time to find a good one, but it’s totally worth it

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I am already in therapy, I have been to several different ones and none of them have helped at all.

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ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I am literally already in therapy. I have been to many different ones. Nothing helps.

Meta @ltair Mar 29

Get your knob shined. Pamper yourself. Get the feeling that you DESERVE happiness. Then things will start to get better.

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

I do not deserve happiness. I am ugly and worthless and I know it, I have been told it. My own family makes fun of me. I am genetic trash and my entire existence is a mistake

Meta @ltair Mar 29

Who gives a fuck what other people think? You think all the guys running around are genetic gifts to the world? Fuck that thinking. Pay money to and get services to make yourself feel good first. Forget morality, forget judgement. Money gets you stuff. Get that stuff. You can think about everything else later.

Amazon ruwifm3 Mar 29

To get what you want in life you have to deserve what you want. All these things you wish you had - be honest with yourself and ask if you've really given it your very best shot. When you think you've done your hardest, chances are you've still got at least 40% left in the tank.

ex-Salesforce rangojango OP Mar 29

Yes I have tried my hardest. Success in life is entirely genetic. People that are good looking, naturally confident, tall, they will always win. Genetic waste like myself cannot accomplish anything no matter how hard we try, we will always end up with no girl, a mediocre job no one wants, just waiting to die so that the world can move on. I truly wish I was never born

Liquid Web RipRolled Mar 29

Stack cash and plates. Other stuff will fall in place after that. There are no shortcuts. Life is long and a journey. Make what you can with your own hands.