IndiaMay 18, 2020

Good tech companies in India?

What are some good tech companies in India that have good work and pay well? I'm SWE at MSFT and I feel like I'm underworked and underpaid. I want to move to a place where I work more so that I get to learn more and obviously who doesn't like a better pay. I heard Goldman and Tower Research pay a lot but I don't want to move into finance companies. Had a schedule with Google India but it was a frontend android role and they were lowballing a lot and now they're on hiring freeze due to covid-19. I can do Leetcode Medium-Hard level. I would say I know a thing or two about design too as I've had side projects where I've built applications using some of latest technologies and written production grade code, and contributed to open source software too. Have a premium college name on the CV too. So I'm covered well from Resume perspective and know few things about software development in general. So where should I apply for good work and better pay? TC: 25L INR YoE: 2 #Microsoft #Google #faang #tech

EATON Chimponzi May 18, 2020

Move to better team in Microsoft.

Microsoft qwer147 OP May 18, 2020

I actually am in a good team. IDC just doesn't have much good work overall.

Amazon SPtu38 May 18, 2020

Amazon!! Interview for L5 and hope for a good team. TC range (44 - 54L)

Microsoft qwer147 OP May 18, 2020

Amazon pays 44-54L to SDE2?! Are you joking?

Amazon SPtu38 May 18, 2020

Yes it does for external hires.

Cisco uySl48 May 18, 2020

Yes I would say Amazon, Nutanix pays you well with good work. Nutanix has a very good wlb too

Microsoft qwer147 OP May 18, 2020

What's the levels/structure at Nutanix like? They don't have any info at

rYdx50 May 18, 2020

How's the nutanix interview?

Amazon gifNOTjif May 18, 2020

OP is probably L60, not SDE2

Microsoft DPcJ75 Oct 3, 2020

Uber is hiring a lot these days