Tech IndustryApr 26, 2022

American FANG tech companies are losing to Tiktok

Are you comfortable with Chinese companies becoming the next big tech companies? Are you ready for 996?

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Meta NotRatioed OP Apr 26, 2022

Then everyone loses :(

Meta dRgK3 Apr 26, 2022

cancel culture will take care of tiktok for us in that scenario

Magic Leap fmw321l Apr 26, 2022

Missing the "This is an unbacked claim" option. I think you mean some apps have dropped users because of Tiktok. Being the next big thing doesn't make you the next big company. A lot of corpses in that path, it is a tortuous one.

Quirch Foods sadpeepo Apr 26, 2022

Hey, how is magic leap doing?

Magic Leap fmw321l Apr 26, 2022

Technically good, just released the new headset which imho is quite a step forward. AR industry still slow and on its infancy, but Magic Leap is benefiting from Hololens chaos. Worst part is the lingering reputation for having had a scammer for a CEO in the past. It is hard to shake off that stigma.

dn1231 Apr 26, 2022

Racist much with your question?

Meta NotRatioed OP Apr 26, 2022

????? Absolutely not, what was racist about that We’re talking about two major world super powers and a shift in the balance of power here

Magic Leap fmw321l Apr 26, 2022

Never stop playing the race card. Report OP immediately. Unacceptable question

Microsoft sherputtar Apr 26, 2022

I am doing 14 hours a day now. Apparently this is common in China. Can anyone elaborate why? Most of the people I’ve spoken to are family oriented, have hobbies etc. Where do they get the time for all of this if everything is spent at work

Amazon MAAMAian Apr 26, 2022

In china, what I observed was people are very punctual about their schedule. And their holidays are very serious and complete switch off. During Chinese new year you will see all major city streets empty. If you can efficiently follow schedule it’s possible. Note: I am a pioneer in not following timings/schedule

Microsoft sherputtar Apr 26, 2022

But are they okay with working pretty much 80-90% of the year for that many hours?

Amazon MAAMAian Apr 26, 2022

I worked for alibaba at HQ china. 996 never scared me. But, majority people not leaving even after 9pm scares me

Accenture 1450LC Apr 26, 2022

How’s morale at baba rn with stock taking a nosedive?

Amazon MAAMAian Apr 26, 2022

Left before that and i sold mine. It must be low for now. But, its not just BABA. Every Chinese stock fell. Now, even US stocks are falling. Long term players never loose. They don’t have much options to invest as its CCP. They cant buy land, not more than 2 houses. No crypto also these days coz of crackdown. So, stocks are the mainstream investments even if they have money.

Netflix 6753961 Apr 26, 2022

It’s always a good thing to have more companies competing for talent. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Amazon MAAMAian Apr 26, 2022


ByteDance N2jdo2p Apr 27, 2022

Do you really think they will create more jobs for American? Wrong. It's all happening in China. All job opportunities will move to Beijing, 996 will be the standard, Mandarin will replace English, etc. Be careful what you wish for.

Meta Yubi Yubi Apr 26, 2022

Good. It's time for the myth of American exceptionalism to die.

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Netflix razorlab Apr 26, 2022

Why is tiktok so addictive? It’s not even content at this point. It’s almost like a form of digital cocaine

ByteDance N2jdo2p Apr 27, 2022

I realized it and managed to quit it. I'm back to reading books, Duolingo, & Netflix. At least Netflix is not as addictive.

Netflix 746275 Apr 27, 2022

Bytedance, is that a compliment? 😂

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