Am I the only one who would gladly work for 🥜 to do more interesting work at a startup?

And I don’t mean the blind version of 🥜 , I’m talking 30K a year and mostly equity. Trying to get on better project teams at a big company is very difficult unless you have the right experience, and moving teams is competitive. You mostly end up changing configs and fixing bugs. Im thinking of offering my work for free (though equity) to “idea guys” as co-founders just so I could finally grow as an engineer, accomplish something large and actually launch something with business visibility. Not just any idea guys though, I’d have to be convinced they found a genuine problem with customers

Uber bEzd76 Mar 10, 2023


Morgan Stanley uPRD30 Mar 10, 2023

Every idea seems world changing but that’s not the case always

Adobe cali_ OP Mar 10, 2023

Sure, but having small work on your resume for years can hurt your career in the long run and keep you away from good teams

Meta j6DnV4ga27 Mar 10, 2023

It depends on family situation. I would have when I was young and single... Now I have a family. I would love to do more interesting work but I have a family. Taking less money to do more interesting work means that I'm putting my needs before the needs of my family. Interesting work without TC won't support my family. I'm making personal sacrifices to give my family the life I never had.

Amazon Vk17Zx Mar 10, 2023

Would you still do the work with 0 equity of the company? Where founders with brittle idea reaps all the benefits?

Adobe cali_ OP Mar 10, 2023

No. I hope nobody would do that

Apple decentdev Mar 10, 2023

After SVB you may have a chance to make 30k and work at a startup. ⛷️

Amazon jOwy00 Mar 10, 2023

I have an idea

Amazon lordr Mar 10, 2023

I did that for many years - beginning of the career. Just make sure it also makes a real product usable by real people preferably outside tech as well. Otherwise it’s not good for long term happiness.

mizzerd Mar 10, 2023

Some paths through that world leave you with nothing. Be aware going in.

Ba0RTus Mar 10, 2023

If it's 200k and 300k difference, definitely I would take 200k and more interesting job. If it's 100k and 200k difference, I might be very struggled.