Severe Depression

I've been battling severe depression and I'm starting to have trouble seeing a way through. Everything feels joyless. I have so many creative hobbies, many healthy relationships, healthy diet... I very seriously just want to go live in the woods and live off the land. I don't want anything to do with corporate life, spreadsheets, KPIs... The meaninglessness of it all turns me into a husk. I get deeply, deeply depressed about this. I just want to plant things and be a farmer. I want to feed people and experience real joy while living completely outside of the capitalist world. I've seen a therapist and nothing has changed. TC: 310k #burnout #depression #mentalhealth

21 Participants
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Apple yKT24n Mar 6

See a psychiatrist, you might need medication to help you in the short term.

Cruise userbug Mar 6

Run for 2 miles, walk but complete 2 mile and then after 30 mins. let us know how you felt.

Microsoft chat-gpt Mar 6

Get a pet, and learn how to take care of them. Then you’ll see that there is joy in life and you will want to take care of yourself also

NewRelic ijyt246!; OP Mar 6

i have cats, they don't fix the depression unfortunately but they sure do help

Microsoft chat-gpt Mar 6

The other thing you need is human connection

JPMorgan Chase hdieb Mar 6

So go do it!

Amazon Jasstity Mar 9

Don't be afraid of talking to your regular doctor about this and if they think medication can help. For many folks, it helps a ton!

Google quiturjob Mar 10

I think you nailed it. Your (work) environment is the problem. You need a change of scenery. Try to think more specifically about what you feel needs to change. Don’t try to make it work as-is.

NewRelic ijyt246!; OP Mar 11

thank you everyone for replying. sounds like i need to do some soul searching and make some big changes in my life. !!! some scary things are good i guess