Tech IndustryOct 23, 2022

Has anyone done an internship with Paylocity?

If so, how was it? Any tips? #Tech #paylocity

hgxQ51 Oct 24, 2022

It was a 10/10 experience. Do recommend. Culture is great, a lot of learning opportunity Depends on what projects your team has for you, but being familiar with rest and sql will be helpful.

jeffdahm OP Oct 24, 2022

Thanks for the advice! The internship is the Operations Leadership Associate Intern role. Are you familiar? Is it suit and tie for the interview or dress down, chill expectation?

hgxQ51 Oct 26, 2022

The whole company is quite casual, you could do a button shirt and a tie if you want, I might have wore a button down? I don't think I saw anyone in a tie during my on-site visit. Not familiar with that role.