Uber interview feedback duration?

For how long is interview feedback valid for? Currently in team match, recruiter not responsive.

Uber ondeck Apr 9

The HM/team probably hasnโ€™t decided, Iโ€™d ask that recruiter when theyโ€™re expecting a decision. I know Uber made cuts to the recruiting department last year, so it could also be that theyโ€™re supporting a larger number of recruits right now. Either way, another follow up might help. Good luck

Microsoft Fleor OP Apr 9

Thanks :)

Udaan DIvV58 Apr 9

Just reach out. Donโ€™t think much.

Fidelity Investments Anony1508 Apr 13

Hey, when did you interview with them?? I have passed the phone interview and into the onsite now.