PoliticsNov 9, 2019

Another feat of investigative journalism by Project Veritas. Who is the fake news now? 👌

https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaks-silence-abc-news-insider-who-exposed-buried-epstein-story-speaks-out Remember the outrage just a couple of months back when Project Veritas was mentioned here as real news? 🙊

BREAKS SILENCE: ABC News Insider Who Exposed Buried Epstein Story Speaks Out
BREAKS SILENCE: ABC News Insider Who Exposed Buried Epstein Story Speaks Out
The Daily Wire
Microsoft Avios Nov 9, 2019

Epstein didn't kill himself

Lyft EJtG75 Nov 9, 2019

Why is this such a big deal. Wasn’t the guy a POS anyway? Why do you care?

Salesforce dqvkwd Nov 9, 2019

Because everyone wanted him to testify against all his rich clients, so we could make them burn. People are tired of the wealthy and powerful being above the law. This was a chance to bring down many of them, but yet again they managed to escape justice by having him killed. That's why people are upset he got killed.

Amazon poconos Nov 9, 2019

I thought the name Project Veritas sounded cool and lofty so I checked it out. Nvm, looks like it’s just another disinformation outlet.

Amazon 235rfddddc Nov 9, 2019

One of the only news outlets doing actual investigative journalism right now. What about it is disinformation? They post the actual audio and video for you to see yourself.

Amazon poconos Nov 9, 2019

Looks like it lost its credibility multiple times and the founder had been sued for defamation and ended up apologizing and settling in court etc. Regardless of their credibility, it’s clear they are inherently biased “journalists” as they exclusively target liberal media outlets alone and not being, you know... just journalists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas

Facebook == 42 Nov 9, 2019

inb4 far left woke-ists (my favorite 21st century religion!) try to discredit this story by accusing Daily Wire, (((Ben Shapiro))), and Project Veritas of being alt-right Nazis. The content of the video speaks for itself, regardless of publisher. After all, ABC also published a video of target practice at a Kentucky gun range claiming it was authentic war footage from Syria

Google Mr. Glass Nov 11, 2019

Lol really? Target practice? ROFL 🤣

Microsoft PkachuFace Nov 9, 2019

lol daily wire

Netflix sunnyta Nov 9, 2019

Right! It’s not young Turks type of propaganda, they actually read books sometimes!

Flagged by the community.
Netflix sunnyta Nov 9, 2019

Everything that is on the right is no good, no real news, bad, nazi and can’t be trusted!! Back to watching cnn😜

Microsoft CapRaise Jan 23, 2020

Remember Project Vertitas is on MS Give and Microsoft will match donations 100%.