New Grad offers: FB vs Citadel vs Google vs Two Sigma vs Databricks

I have the following offers for New Grad SWE: FB: Comp: 124k base, 10% bonus, 150k/4 stock, 50k signing 227k y1, ~177k recurring Location: NYC Citadel Securities: Comp: 175k base, 100k min perf, 100k signing 375k y1, 275k recurring Location: NYC Databricks: Comp: 130k base, 10% bonus, 275k/4 years stock, 40k signing 250k y1 Location: SF Google: Location: Core NYC Currently negotiating, expecting roughly 240k y1, 200k recurring Two Sigma: Currently awaiting offer approval, likely around 350k y1, 250k recurring Location: NYC Looking to optimize for career growth and learning + tc progression. Also curious about opportunities for movement from HFT/Hedge funds to Tech, should I choose cit/2s. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Edit: Accidentally put NYC location for Databricks. Edit2: Not going to make a poll. I know people are just going to choose Citadel. I need insight, not aggregated clicks of a button. I really want to be in NYC, so Databricks is lowkey an L. Edit3: For those saying 2s, I'm curious about how hard it is to transition into tech, e.g. FB Google, etc from 2s. Would I be downleveled? #newgrad #fb #citadel #google #twosigma #databricks #tc #tech

Google JimKerrig Nov 5, 2021

Make it a poll.

Zoom 🚬🚬🚬📿🗡z Nov 5, 2021

Two sigma. Make that bread while you are young and you can always jump ship to FAANG

Apple h7jv8 Nov 5, 2021

You must be good at interviews. Congrats, and I’d take either 2 sigma or Databricks if you want to optimize for any of what you said

Amazon zLkH51 Nov 5, 2021

What numbers have you suggested Google recruiter ?

Google poiri Nov 5, 2021

Whoa didn’t know 2sig paid so much now

Dropbox HHsy72 Nov 5, 2021

It's likely a negotiated offer due to Citadel competing offer. Don't think they pay that much for standard new grad

Amazon imspent OP Nov 5, 2021

2S base package for return intern new grads is around 325-350k. I know people that have gotten 370k with only a Databricks competing offer.

Facebook moonity Nov 5, 2021

Databricks has an NYC location?

Broadcom Ltd. b2c Nov 5, 2021

2sigma if you believe in trading. Or databricks if you're interested in tech. Databricks should have a big ipo soon

Microsoft dbpray Nov 5, 2021

How did you get Databricks NYC? Is it remote?

Nike gradatim Nov 5, 2021

1. 2S == Databricks 2. Google 3. FB 4. Citadel

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Squarespace heyjuddee Nov 5, 2021

Curious why is it not worth it for citadel?

Amazon imspent OP Nov 5, 2021

Would you mind elaborating on your internship exp at Cit Sec and why it isn't worth?