Wish I had more friends in office!

Recently joined TikTok in San Jose. Not too much opinion on the company itself as I’m fairly new but I absolutely love the office. I believe there’s more than 3,000 employees on-site, great amenities, and free meals. The only thing is that most of my team is located in different locations so it does get little lonely(?), well, less socially interactive unless I’m on calls. Yeah yeah - I hear and understand that a lot of employees speak Mandarin so some people can feel left out - but the actual thing is that it’s not easy to just go up to people and greet them. Besides, they all speak English and they write really well on docs!!! First, everyone’s busy I’m sure and when people are walking or resting in common areas, usually they are looking at their phones (And so am I!) People that have been there long enough, seem to have their own circles, which are hard to breakthrough unless you have some type of connections through work. But nonetheless, I love the office and its atmosphere. Just wish I could have more non-work related social interactions! Any fellow bytedancer-s feel similar? Ps - don’t @ me for blind tax bs. Not talking about offers, jobs or levels. DM if that bothers you, I will respectfully send my location. #officelife #culture #workplace

Amazon brozzer Apr 16

sounds like HR bait post

ByteDance BTB OP Apr 16

You see, there are always negative and half glass empty people. You do you brozzy keep walking

ex-WePay WillTellTC Apr 16

Create a bot for your company that matches up random people for lunch through Slack

Dell Restasaur🦕 Apr 16

Employee resource groups?