Tech IndustryOct 5, 2022

Leave Apple for Amazon?

Have an amazon (prime video) offer for $375 vs current Apple salary $300. Pros of Apple -Just got a raise -manager is ok, can be annoying -good WLB Cons of Apple -the exec reviews are really tiring/dumb -bored AF. I simply am not being challenged. -I feel like I was lowballed/down levelled (was L6 at Amazon prior to joining apple. Am now ICT4) -I feel like I’m wasting away at apple. I hate to admit this, but I’m lonely at apple. My team is super spread out so I pretty much work alone. -they’re starting to enforce RTO -no perks & no paid parking Pros of Amazon -broad scope -able to make an impact -challenging -no RTO & paid parking if I do go in Cons of amazon -WLB can be bad. My old team was bad at first but got better -my old team was toxic AF. There’s no telling how this team will be. I don’t think it’ll be nearly as bad because the team I’d be going to is not a new product like the old team. YOE: 3 in tech, 7 total #apple #amazon

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Financial Services Company CaspB Oct 5, 2022

100% stay with Apple. If it was 500k offer from Amazon then maybe.

LinkedIn DPKJ26 Oct 5, 2022

Also amzn does 15% growth in tc calculations

Apple HdCH25 OP Oct 5, 2022

Yeah but the first 2 years are basically all cash

Deloitte EUOx45 Oct 5, 2022

Depends on the department you work in. Plenty of departments can be cut throat at Apple. You need to watch your back.

Apple HdCH25 OP Oct 5, 2022

This literally has nothing to do with the topic of this post

Deloitte EUOx45 Oct 6, 2022

Sure it does. I’d avoid Apple.

Investment Management Firm babuBislre Oct 5, 2022

Is this for SDE or PM?

Roku No58 Oct 5, 2022

Tired of apples huh? So you want to try bananas now?

Amazon RsuVester Oct 5, 2022

Prime video, from what I’ve heard has crazy work hours esp now with Thursday night football. Say bye bye to WLB. If you’re fine with that, boomerang in!

Apple HdCH25 OP Oct 5, 2022

Isn’t there just a single team pretty much for that though?

Amazon zHOT08 Oct 13, 2022

No not a single team but it was only bad for the first couple games. Its autopilot now with a skeleton crew every game since we mostly worked out the issues

Shippo spartan🗡 Oct 5, 2022

25% raise isn't worth it specifically for Amazon. Get another offer and negotiate for 40% at least

Amazon tlne16 Oct 10, 2022

PV is growing. Chaotic but you’ll learn a lot and grow. It’s all cash. Take it