Misc.May 2

30 minute interview turned into an hour, good or bad?

I just completed a 30 minute interview and it went on for double the time. It was mostly the HM digging deep into my stories and asking for some clarification. Is this a good or bad thing? TC: 115k

82 Participants
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Google Diva👠 May 2

Why would the HM waste 30 additional minutes of his precious time talking to someone he was not planning to hire? It's a good sign.

American Express 175kTCmcol May 2

His next meeting was cancelled and he wanted to look busy

hoooolii May 2

He was wfh and wanted to look busy to his wife.

Amazon tufquota May 2

Def good. I’ve conducted many interviews, they all suck but the bad ones are excruciating, feels like your soul is dying. No interviewer would willingly subject themselves to even a minute longer than necessary on a bad candidate.

Jeiejnh7 OP May 2

That's good to hear :,)

Apple EricKate May 2

Better than 5min

Jeiejnh7 OP May 2

Do interviewers actually end interviews 5 minutes in?

Apple EricKate May 2

Of course. Interview is extended is a good sign, but don’t treat it as a hint of hiring.

Merck minusonec May 2

That’s def a good thing. But hiring decision could be affected by so many things, and most likely wont be made by that HM only, especially for big companies