FitnessApr 24

Forgetting your headphones at the gym IS ROUGH

I forgot my Beats when I went to the gym and BRO HOW DO PEOPLE COME TO THE GYM WITHOUT HEADPHONES. I feel like I'm listening to Kidz Bop ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Like I heard 3 Ke$ha songs. What year am I in, 2011?! Plus hearing everyone's grunts was just making me laugh my whole workout. There was nothing about the gym that was motivating at all. Is going to the gym without your headphones really that bad?! ๐Ÿ˜…

PayPal lst&beatup Apr 24

Never bothered me tbh. I just do my own thing and zone out. Mainly just having a conversation with myself internally about why that next set is worth it

Amazon HRPufnstu Apr 24

I never wear headphones in the gym. I find it not safe and people don't pay attention to their surroundings. I spend most of the time focusing on my breathing because people forget that part of the workout.

Amazon dhjfcbkodc Apr 24

I stopped wearing headphones as my ear started paining after a while. But i do need them when i am running on a treadmill.

Palo Alto Networks SIob Apr 24

I never wear headphones at the gym. Donโ€™t you get sick of having the same pop/rock/rap songs blasted directly into your ears, again and again, day after day? Personally, I get tired of hearing my music choices after a while. What do you listen to at the gym, OP? Mumble rap nonsense?

Bloomberg pinkfloyd0 Apr 25

Wow i never met someone who dislikes listening to music. Usually if you are bored of the same songs, you listen to different ones

Capital One here4cap1 Apr 25

You get used to it. Tbh I need to go back to no headphones. Music can be distracting sometimes.

Apple SKSe60 Apr 24

I always have a wired headphone with the lightening adapter in my car. I hate it when I forget my Air pod pro.

Netflix TQJD Apr 25

For some people itโ€™s not that bad, for others they prefer headphones. Your inability to recognize simple differences in perspectives along with your attempt to demean people for not disliking the things that you dislike makes you seem immature.

Hubspot Hubbut Apr 25

Yes. I always leave a backup set of cheap earpods in my bag, just in case. If I went to the gym with no music, I would just turn around and come home. Call it a rest day. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Expedia Group CarCrisis Apr 25


Apple stolenxnnz Apr 26

The problem is they blast that trash music so loud it hurts the gains

Tableau nokt Apr 26

I focus on what I am doing at the moment. listening to music distracts me.

Amazon banannnas Apr 26

It's not ideal, but usually manageable. Although, sometimes I workout at a gym that plays the radio. So, 70% of the time, it's just blaring commercials. It's fucking obnoxious and I wouldn't be able to tolerate it if I forgot my headphones on a day there.