How To Bust a Funk

These might seem stupid, but I find them effective if I’m feeling down and out. 1) Clip your nails, get a haircut, maybe a new t-shirt. Some new socks, like healthy Nike athletic midcalfs with arch support. 2) Change your phone Lock Screen / wallpaper to a new picture of your pet, your fam or partner, or just something new that makes you happy. 3) Force yourself to get your living space up to a clean baseline. Do the dishes, do a thorough vacuuming, wipe down windows. Light a candle before you start so when you’re done, it’s fresh. **ADD YOUR TIPS BELOW!**

Meta XpBs23 May 1

I would also suggest going outside and lying on the grass for 20 minutes

Amazon mhHN3 OP May 1

Yessss Barefoot if the weather is nice and you’re not scared of bugs lol

IBM o7🫡 May 1

Get some exercise + sunlight.