
Interview Prep Resources for CLI tool system design?

I have upcoming interviews with Meta for a team which builds internal developer tools. The recruiter mentioned that for onsite system design questions may be asked around developer productivity tools, cli tools, etc. I have already read DDIA and did the Grokking system design course from but these are general backend system design focused resources. I am looking for resources specific to system design for cli tools. Any help is appreciated. TIA. Yoe: 8 Tc: 430k Level: L6 sde

Interactive Computer Science Tutorials | Interactive Courses for Software Developers
antkdjf May 2

Ask AI how to design git cli from scratch. Go deeper as you progress.

VMware pingtacti May 2

I think I read it in Unix programming language. Not a system design book but talk about Unix and cli etc

Know your awk and sed well

Amazon djibsjmlgc OP May 2

Hi @GranRaton, can you please elaborate a little more. I am a bit new to this domain so I understand that this may be a noob question.