PayPal ppeverywhe May 1

They should freeze h1b if tech is having so many layoffs

Paycom coder911 May 1

Problem is every solution involves being punched in the face. Universities are heavily dependent on foreign students and if there's no opportunities tuition will hyper inflate and many programs will be cut

Investment Bank Glinda May 1

Many programs and administrators should be cut. The universities did fine before the huge influx of foreign students starting 30 years ago.

Apple HaddHaiBC May 1

Concurrent H1b is still legal

Alight Solutions badnam2019 May 1

Managers prefer to have servitude and non-immigrant are easy servitude as they are not bound by U.S. law to be responsible for partaking in any illegal activities. A U.S. citizen would be liable to report a crime but India law does not require one to disclose the observations of crime. How many non-immigrant will report a manager hiring on racial/ ethnic bias repeatedly over years … almost a conflict of interest Non-immigrant stick at the same job longer inspite of an abusive and toxic … lots of realities

Investment Bank Glinda May 1


Alight Solutions badnam2019 May 1

Try googling vs perplexity, the EEO page that defines Nation of Origin bias can’t be located via google since 2019 but is present in most LLM models

Meta bkmrte May 1

With 1 M international students in the US and another cohort of tech workers coming in on L1 visas every year on - H1B applications demand will always outstrip the number of visas supply available (85K a year).

Spotify s4dFtx May 1

Are 200k students going back every year? I never see anyone leaving once they are here. Math is not mathing

Meta bkmrte May 1

1 M is the total international students… the yearly number is closer to 250-300K No one goes back once they are here… most of the international students come spending large amounts of money… their only hope is finding a job and earning high Tc. Stem students get 3 years of OPT after they graduate to find a job and convert to H1B…. That usually means three shots at the H1 B lottery. Even if they get picked, they go back to some other college or try day 1 CPT or no lottery H1B like non profits etc… very few go back and that’s only when they have exhausted all avenues of staying here

Meta fishtank🐟 May 1

It should be illegal for a company to file for H1B if they made any layoff in the last three years, just like perm

Apple HaddHaiBC May 1

What if all laid off folks are H1bs?

Box X0j1kx May 1

Then they will go and hire in India for those 3 years. After 3 years company will get used to it and mostly only hire in India. You good with that smartass?

Workday tammyb May 2

The whole H1B and L1 visa is a huge racket. It’s for the greedy CEOs to get cheap labor and workforce who would be much less willing to push back against labor law abuses. It’s capitalism gone wild with no guardrails.

Apple HaddHaiBC May 2

Won’t there be a severe shortage of tech labor if foreign workers don’t supplement it? How will companies be able to even ship new product ?

Dell Vegan_24 May 3

This is their fault for not changing h1b reforms and keeping it pretty archaic! The founder of h1b program even thinks this is stupid and should be changed to merit based like other countries. In the end the majority of h1b applications are from the scammy consulting companies over the real tech industry.