
Amazon Hiring Ad! Take Risk, Growth or PIP

Saw this Amazon Ad today looking for risk takers! The risk they don’t mention is either you become TT (top talent) or you get the boot via PIP. As a software engineer in AWS for 1 year+ (and previously in Retail), I would strongly advise you to stay away from this company. - If you have job offers from equivalent companies e.g. MSFT, Google, FB, I think it’s a no brainer to reject Amazon. - If you do take Amazon’s offer, remember that your TC is stochastic based on wether they put you on URA (un regretted attrition at 6%) meaning that they fire 6% of the workforce regardless of the situation. This is true even during COVID. Every company has performance management, but here, the manager *has* to get rid of 6 percent (at organization level). So, even if you’re a low performer, your managers incentive is to nitpick you to death with flaws and get rid of you. - I would also recommend taking positions in retail over AWS as: 1. AWS has terrible work life balance especially if you’re on an operationally heavy product (e.g. S3 or some famous product that every one uses). Even for new products, you’ll be doing a lot of coding and be expected to spend after hours working. 2. From my experience, worse managers overall. Managers may be more technically inclined but they have near 0 EQ. I heard a story of a manager who puts a guy on focus and then asks them in the next 1:1 how the employee is doing on a “human level”! 3. In AWS, you would get the better resume booster and people will think that you’re smarter but it’s not actually true. The pay and the intelligence of engineers is consistent throughout the organization. It may seem like AWS does more, but that’s because everyone’s butt is on fire 🔥! 4. One thing I noticed is that the quality of code and design output by Amazon is quite shoddy even for major critical services everyone uses. There’s a constant rush to “be the first” out with a feature and that accrues a TON of technical debt, even in the new AWS products that I’ve worked on. Benefits of AWS: - What you get to do in AWS that you don’t get in retail is exposure to releasing the production code in many regions globally and dealing with larger scale. However, once you go through the process once or twice, it becomes tedious and banal with no new learnings. - Some benefits of Amazon are working with great engineers if you come from mid level company, working on large scale in a pseudo startup like sense of urgency. It also has a good culture of document writing and design (all of this so that you’re easily replaceable). - You get some of the combination (not all) of the benefits above in other major tech companies with less of the terrible management and pip. - Your manager can make or break your career here. If you have a good manager and a good skip, consider yourself extremely lucky and that Amazon is a good place to work for you. If not, it’s a miserable place to be in. You can always switch teams, but your manager can block it with “focus” which is basically preparing you to be fired. I joined Amazon because I didn’t interview anywhere else and thought it would be good resume booster. It was actually good when I was in retail. Moved to AWS, I now have a daily livestream on the massive attrition of senior talent and URA politics. Why did I write this? - I am looking to exit the company. When I joined it wasn’t as obvious how bad the company was. The ship is sinking significantly over my time here. - Also, let’s see if this triggers a HR Sev 1 and they come to delete the post! 🤣 Edit: Blind Tax. TC: 180K (fluctuates with stock) #engineering #software #swe #amazon #aws #new #hired

Work for Amazon! Get Pipped!
Microsoft srf76rfv85 Feb 13, 2022

Would you stay back if they give you 100k+ bump this review as per the new comp structure?

Amazon pipMeToday OP Feb 13, 2022

No. I would still leave this place. Couple of reasons: 1. From what I hear, there are no changes to RSUs for the year 2022. The changes to base compensation will be applied to bring people who are in the low band of existing ranges to come within the band of the new ranges. I don't think that increase will amount to 100K+ for me. Maybe 20K at most to bring me up to the new bands! The reason Amazon offers such ridiculously high TC now is because of massive attrition. No one wants to work here for "garbage" TC, smart people leaving and the fire of pip under our butts! The salt to the wound is that the new high TCs are for new employees mainly as the apparently "raise the bar". I can assure you that is NOT the case, as my manager would hire anyone who can do basic LC within a heartbeat. Teams are not able to meet sustenance levels of hiring after Pipping. 2. There is a higher chance of getting a higher TC if you spend more time LC'ing and interviewing versus praying that your manager bumps up your rating. 3. I've been here for some time now, there is no "additional" resume boosting benefit of working here, the stocks are stagnating and I think I can collect my year 3 vests before leaving this place.

Microsoft srf76rfv85 Feb 13, 2022

You would choose culture over money correct? Even I wouldn't sell my soul and mental wellness for 100k... poRx26 Feb 13, 2022

what's your location?

Amazon pipMeToday OP Feb 13, 2022

No thanks HR! poRx26 Feb 13, 2022


Blue Origin blueORGN Feb 13, 2022

Yay! I got pipped!

Capital One Cap1Pulse Feb 13, 2022

If this is true, why they are aggressively hiring? I have virtual onsite interview coming up for AWS Professional services consultant role? Should I prepare or not? I am confused 🤔

Amazon pipMeToday OP Feb 13, 2022

They’re hiring to replace leaving existing talent. Yeah. Do the interview! Always good to get practice even if you don’t get the offer! Try to do your best and get the offer! It can be used for negotiations with other companies! If you think that you’ll do well despite the negative culture stated here, then even consider taking the offer! I’ve heard mixed things about ProServe, so you might want to consider asking Blind about your organization and sub team for more information.

Capital One Cap1Pulse Feb 13, 2022

Thanks for detailed explanation!

Amazon CEWt83 Feb 13, 2022

What’s your YOE?

Amazon pipMeToday OP Feb 13, 2022

4 YOE.

Twilio fusirsks Feb 15, 2022


Jumio Corporation FUow16 Feb 13, 2022

180k is not enough for 4yoe.

Grab sausage_69 Feb 14, 2022

Wheres the risk taker ads