What would be a good offer for Full stack dev commercial operations in booking.com?

Location: Amsterdam YoE: 3 Role: Full Stack Developer - Commercial Operations Questions: 1. What would be a good offer for this role? Just a range would do. 2. How is learning and growth rate in booking.com (Engineering) 3. Is it worth relocating on the other side of the world? 4. Anything I should be aware of? #tech

Booking.com: The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals
Booking.com: The largest selection of hotels, homes, and vacation rentals
Amazon noSolid Feb 6, 2021

Did you get an interview? Booking's recruiters ghosted me multiple times in 2020.

Careem IceWelder OP Feb 6, 2021

Is it worth switching from Amazon to Booking? (Interms of monetary value, learning and growth)

Databricks zPQb56 Feb 7, 2021

1. Around 82-88k base + 15% target + 20k stonks + sign on 8-10k 2. Mostly dead end and regress unless your team / track works in some new tech, they are Perl sweatshop with clueless managers. For Senior EM one sometimes doesn’t even get technical questions asked, lol 3. Amsterdam is cool, but can’t tell you much about cultural differences you might experience

Financial Services Company JYmC17 Feb 11, 2021

How is databricks amsterdam compared to booking?

Databricks zPQb56 Feb 11, 2021

Anything but WLB is better tbh