E*Trade🍍 Express

Laid off and feeling some type of way

(Not at E*Trade anymore). Last week I was laid off from a unicorn start up as a PM. Quite frankly it was a bit surprising at first. I was working on a top company priority with high LT viz, but even then I was still part of a 20% company wide layoff round that occurred last Monday. The huge pile of work I had, which was a large part of my personal stress, suddenly disappears into thin air, and no longer happens to be a problem. This strangely felt bittersweet, although in the back of my head I realize that my severance duration clock is ticking. I thoroughly enjoyed the company as the culture, colleagues, and role was solid, so I would be lying if I were to say that I wasn’t disappointed, but if anything this taught me, it was to always stay on your toes: - LT will lie: They state how after a first round of layoffs, the second one is no where near the horizon, but that certainly wasn’t true in my case - Don’t fall in love with a company/job: I had to keep myself in check, I was warned by other blinders here with certain anecdotes. If you die, a company will not hesitate to replace you in a heartbeat etc. - Test the market, stay fresh: Doesn’t hurt to keep your resume updated and interview here and there to avoid rust. The tech market is trash right now yes but you gotta give yourself some sort of edge. -Have a 6 month emergency fund: Fortunate that I was able to receive the WARN act payment and severence, which gives me an additional 3 month cash cushion, but this market is trash and I’ll never know how long I’ll stay unemployed. -Stay in touch with your network: I know this sounds super clichè but it’s true. I was in a role where I engaged with external partners quite often and had a great relationship with, so they were easy to contact for new roles. All the above made the layoff news much easier to process and move forward with a peace of mind. With all this being said, thanks for reading my pseudo vent. I’m back in the market now obviously, so any referral suggestions for PM roles will be much appreciated as well! TLDR: Got laid off, feel ironically relieved. Always stay on your toes and be ready for anything.

GoDaddy yddadog Feb 5

-Always be leetcoding

DocuSign docusinger Feb 5

What was the subject of the non-leetcode-esque interviews like?

GoDaddy yddadog Feb 5

Wow, a sample size of 5???? You must definitely be correct about leetcode being dead 😂

Elastic Q(‘_’Q Feb 5

Which unicorn?

ex-E*Trade 🍍 Express Feb 5

Will dm you, if I say it I’ll get doxxed easy lol

^_^ Feb 5

at least you don’t seem completely defeated. recruiters can smell that delicious defeat. wishing you luck

ex-E*Trade 🍍 Express Feb 5

Thanks brotha. Here’s to finding something in this crap market

MRM TWG_202023 Feb 5

Sorry to hear this, OP. This market has been especially brutal for startups, and too many people are being hit by layoffs during this time. Here’s hoping you bounce back on your feet.

ex-E*Trade 🍍 Express Feb 5

Thanks MRM. Also congrats on the badge!

MRM TWG_202023 Feb 5

Thank you!

Raytheon lowtcer Feb 6

Dm for Raytheon