Best private school to avoid indoctrination

We had kids in the public school system (Cupertino) that we now put in private school, because there was too much emphasis on LGBTQ and race ideologies in the public school. They are in Challengers right now, and there is 0 visibility of any race or gender nonsense. I love it! However, they donā€™t have a high school. So want to be prepared beforehand for a good private high school. Can folks who have kids in private high schools say which ones stick to schooling and avoid any political bullšŸ’©? Ideally, donā€™t want my kids to care about any gender, race or politics. Challenger has given us that. What high schools are most like that? TC ~750k Edit: - For folks claiming LGBTQ indoctrination doesnā€™t happen, please donā€™t gaslight. Any parent in the public school system will tell you that this very much exists as early as 4th grade. - For folks then claiming that there is nothing wrong in learning ā€œtoleranceā€ for these - my issue is that this exposure is counterproductive at such a young age. This discussion entails discussion of sex to pre-pubescent kids, which is highly inappropriate.

DocuSign prodLaunch May 24

Gender bullshit is really a bigger issue in this country and government doesnā€™t want to stop it

Meta ch2ru OP May 24

Totally! Thatā€™s why public schools are only going to get worse wrt this. Private schools dont have to follow the dictats.

Google Hashtab May 24

Democrat government is the reason they do that.

This comment was deleted by the original commenter.
CPOInCA May 24

Cope harder

Moloco xSpJ78 May 25

Can't wait for the gender reveal party when they turn 6!

Microsoft fgzqx May 24


CPOInCA May 24

I don't know of any public school that focuses on either LGBTQ or CRT. The world has different types of people so your child should learn tolerance first instead of shielding them from it. You might want to move to the south /Texas so you can feel more comfortable.

IKEA needHighTC May 24

Oh cause you donā€™t know of a school it must not happen. Get your head out of your ass. Shit is happening everywhere. YouTube ā€œkindergarten LGBTQ parade.ā€

Meta ch2ru OP May 24

lol! Are you in the system? They push this shit in 5th grade.

xMicro$oft May 24

Remember, if nothing else, home schooling for 4 years is better than public HS.

CPOInCA May 24

If you believe that, don't be surprised if your child comes home gay or with a boyfriend or girlfriend from another country saying they will marry them.

xMicro$oft May 24

Eh? Where will they meet someone from another country in my home?

Palo Alto Networks pmsqivd May 24

This is such a fake problem. God forbid somebody tell your kids that LGBTQ people exist and deserve respect.

LinkedIn jcuw08 May 24

This propaganda goes much further and it is hard to stomach

Amazon fbvN62 May 24

You must not be familiar at all with what happens in schools these days. I didnā€™t know either till my kids started school itā€™s most definitely NOT a fake problem. It has zero to do with different types of existing and deserving respect and more to do with indoctrination and introduction of inappropriate content at a young age. In the county adjacent ours they had books with explicit images of oral sex between two men and masturbation in a middle school library. It wasnā€™t until parents rallied against this and complained that it was considered for removal. Itā€™s entirely possible to educate in an age appropriate way about differences without sexually explicit content.

Google GyTV20 May 24

Move to Texas. Period.

Oracle bigohh May 24

Public schools here are not immune. We send our kids to private as well.

Amazon MpRw70 May 24

@Oracle, which schools in Texas are you talking about, and where do you live in TX?

Amazon jXJI04 May 24

I think Harker and Basis, Stratford High School are good schools with an academic focus. Other good schools w/o indoctrination are the Catholic Schools Archbishop Mitty and Bellarmine.

Meta ch2ru OP May 24

We are not religious - so no religious schools! Donā€™t want to swap one kind of indoctrination with another!

Meta lasdhfn May 24

Is this from experience? We decided to take a raincheck on Harker because of how woke their website and brochure looked (every other page was DEI). I'm wondering if they just lip service it and are actually ok?

Apple ICT69 May 24

$25,000 tuition a year to own the libs

Meta ch2ru OP May 24

Totally worth the investment for your kids to not have the garbage pumped into their heads.

Apple ICT69 May 24

The garbage is coming from inside the house

Samsara shvng crm May 24

Your kids will be idiots just because they have you for a parent. Doesnā€™t matter what school you send them to. Intelligent people know that everyone will be exposed to different ideas. You should have enough influence over your children to help them evaluate the information without just believing it, though this post tells me you have no such influence or critical thinking yourself.

Meta ch2ru OP May 24

You donā€™t understand irony at all, do you? šŸ˜‚

Samsara shvng crm May 24
