LayoffsJul 1, 2020

Quitting W/ Nothing Lined Up

Hello Blinders, I have been at the new company for over ~ 6 months (No GS) and I’m thinking about quitting with nothing lined up. My situation is kind of unique, my boss makes us work Monday to Sunday from 8am to 2am. The work is mundane and the enviroment hostile. Unfortunately, I dont have anything lined up but have declining health and might have to get a divorce since my wife complains nonstop about this job. Feeling like walking into a leaving hell everyday and constantly exhausted. PS: Im micromanaged (he times my tasks) and have no time to prep for interviews or even network. Any thoughts?

Accenture TechieMgr Jul 1, 2020

Please take 3 weeks of vacation (or covid sick leave if vacation is impossible) and get another offer. You will thank yourself later

Goldman Sachs toTech OP Jul 1, 2020

No vacation until next year.

OpenDoor ePYL76 Jul 2, 2020

I feel like you have two choices: Tell them you are sick and can’t work. (Mental health is valid reason to burn 100% of sick leave) Go full Office Space and just stop working. Show up to meetings, but zone out and practice for interviews with the rest of your time. If he fires you you’re likely going to get severance. (This job sounds toxic and you don’t want references from them anyways.)

Amazon LoyH26 Jul 1, 2020

Call in sick and say you might have COVID. Then leetcode!!!

PwC anony01 Jul 1, 2020

Lol I might actually try that

Prosper larasing Jul 1, 2020

Life is too short to put up with shit like this (as long as you can cover bills for sometime).

Ellie Mae Krinkle Jul 1, 2020

If that’s his style then maybe you turn the tables and get your coworkers to get him exited. Unite against tyranny. It works sometimes.

Goldman Sachs toTech OP Jul 2, 2020

Would love to do this. My coworkers both left for the same reason last week. HR is asking questions on what happened (they told Hr everything) but things haven’t changed much.

Salesforce hK5da@E Jul 1, 2020

times your task? Wow

Uber uberdrama Jul 1, 2020

what company? so we can stay away

Goldman Sachs toTech OP Jul 2, 2020

Low tier tech company. I think is a management problem of my team in specific. ( High turnover at the <6month mark.

Zerto MUuS05 Jul 2, 2020

Yeah, but what company? So we can stay away?

Microsoft !$?;5☘🌏🎃 Jul 1, 2020

Are you at Amazon? What's your total years of experience?

Manhattan Associates bokC Jul 1, 2020

Definitely not

eBay huk Jul 1, 2020

100%. I would resign on the spot or not comply with manager’s requests until he fires me

Uber szIQ00 Jul 1, 2020

Quit right away and focus on preparing and interviewing for a new job! It's not worth continuing risking your health and marriage over 1-3 months salary before you find a new job, and as you said you wouldn't even have time to prep or interview.

PwC anony01 Jul 1, 2020

I’m aligned with the majority of people here that you should leave, sign up for unemployment (doubt the state checks by calling your employer if you quit vs got fired with all the unemployment requests due to covid), and prep for a new job in the next coming months. Sometimes, you gotta risk it and do what your gut tells you to do

Apple fFWh26 Jul 1, 2020

Ehh don’t commit unemployment fraud. OP needs less problems not more.

Salesforce hK5da@E Jul 2, 2020

This. What your gut tells you. Many times your gut is the best advice.