What is perception of Squarespace engineering?

I am curious to know what the outward opinion of Squarespace engineering is? Would you accept an offer at Squarespace? Do you feel it’s a good brand for engineering? Is it innovative? Is the product high quality? What is your take on the culture? I can’t put all that in a poll so I focused on eng culture & comp, but please add comments for other factors. I’m interested to know about outward opinions, and thank you for answering! #squarespace

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Squarespace kiUy37 OP Aug 25, 2021

We are experimenting with the quantum mechanical foundations of tech debt - does that count? (Just being snarky about “innovative” …)

Amazon a q p \n w Aug 25, 2021

Those sound like made up words what does that mean lmfao

Snap ëürœ Aug 25, 2021

TC is everything so bad eng culture.

Facebook xay Aug 25, 2021

Tier B or C

Squarespace sqspnyc Aug 25, 2021

My TC is pretty decent for a SE3 with about 1 yoe. I think that TC is lower for more senior folks. Haven't been here long enough to ascertain the culture part though.

Memorial Sloan XWWm86 Oct 11, 2021

What’s your tc op?