StartupsJan 21, 2021

What do you do if you realize your startup cofounder is a sociopath?

Started a company ... it’s basically a unicorn ... came up with the idea and hired everyone, built out all the departments, created the sales and marketing plans & designed the product we built. The product truly resonated and we became kinda famous in the startup world. It was the biggest disaster of my life. The background: One of the guys I brought on, I asked him to be CEO because he had a name in the industry. Everyone now thinks this guy is the company’s founder. Apparently that’s what he had been telling everyone all along, that he was a sole founder. Even though I brought on nearly 10 people who were working prerevenue & no salary in some sort of cofounder capacity. I was actually running the company as it’s CEO since he disappeared for 4 months after getting his first paycheck. I was typically not even sure if he was alive for weeks on end. Kind of like Don Draper. But it was working, we were growing exponentially and it felt great. This was going to be my only shot at creating a company. When he came back, we were 10x larger and I described our progress, his only comment was, wow I’m an amazing CEO. I thought he was joking, but apparently he wasn’t! Shortly thereafter, we raised a large amount of money together and I was dismissed in a threatening manner. My girlfriend invested her life savings so I could launch the company and she got nothing returned from them. I gave her what little I got. And I am left with a tax bill and years of wasted time. So here’s a lesson for you ... if you don’t know your startup cofounders that well, and they seem perfect...they’re probably a sociopath. And another lesson..if someone is in an ownership position and they’re free riding, you need to remove them immediately, because one day they will be an owner and they won’t even know the business. Since then, he has worked to get me blacklisted and has been sabotaging me since... basically he wants to show everyone that he was the reason for the company’s success. And ruining my career proves his point. #startup #founder