COVID-19Jul 7, 2020

We should have never locked-down

Precisely, the economy should have never been stopped. I can already see how hard or impossible it is going to be to go back to normal and get back all the jobs. But instead should have enforced precautions from day 1. Like mandatory masks, massive testing, mandatory quarantine for people entering the country, enhanced cleaning, reduced work hours in shifts and asking 50+ aged people to stay at home. Maybe give a week or two for allowing businesses, employers and transit agencies to prepare for it. I understand the current generation has never gone through a pandemic like this, but there are people who do a PhD in infectious diseases and there are people appointed to control diseases plus the people who know money and economy, they should have known about the effects.

Amazon monkeypohp Jul 7, 2020

Lol you think this is actually about health and a pandemic 😂

Amazon DlUk91 OP Jul 7, 2020

What else is it about? I'm thinking something on the lines of what Vietnam did. Very few cases and 0 deaths without a lockdown.

Amazon monkeypohp Jul 7, 2020

It’s about coalesce, command, control. This ‘pandemic’ wipes out small biz lessening independence. Next small banks will be wiped due to inflation thus eliminating future small biz. Wealth will continue to flow into central/large assets like big corporations and equities, which are already on sleeping (with one eye open) with gov’t. Once they’re all that’s left they’ll be throttled and controlled. Look at FB and Amz and all the desire to regulate. Homey wake t f up

Apple =+*^%#}{][ Jul 7, 2020

“PhDs Not knowing” didn’t cause this. PhDs aren’t government executives. Also, “massive testing on day 1”? 😂😂 “Enforced mandatory masks” 😂😂😂 “Mandatory quarantine”. 😂😂😂😂

Amazon DlUk91 OP Jul 7, 2020

What USA did was somewhere in the middle- never did a proper lockdown. IMO it ended up being useless and still caused the same number of deaths as predicted. I'm saying either do a extra-strict lockdown or just not do a lockdown but take those precautions. The USA didn't do a strict lockdown nor take the necessary precautions. Enforced mandatory masks are a very common thing in Asia so why not here.

Apple =+*^%#}{][ Jul 7, 2020

Because Americans fight the government in court or by protests. It’s a good thing to be skeptical of the govt, but we take it a bit too far.

Google Kokowawa Jul 7, 2020

What is the benefit of testing if you are not doing anything to stop the spread of the virus? Just counting? lol

Amazon DlUk91 OP Jul 7, 2020

Test, Trace, Treat.

Google Kokowawa Jul 7, 2020

And when the numbers become high enough this won’t scale and you must impose a lockdown. Lockdown actually works. My country enforced it and now we have extremely few cases and most are coming from outside the country.

XyZwaSd Jul 7, 2020

We allowed virologists to make all the decisions

Amazon qato Jul 8, 2020

If only we had we wouldn't be so fucked right now

Facebook Uhmbreon Jul 8, 2020

No, we paraded virologists and epidemiologists on stage to pretend we were allowing them to make the decisions, but the political class ignored their advice. That's why we're in the situation we are now.

Palo Alto Networks REBJ68 Jul 7, 2020

Oh good points but you dangerously close to being logical (even I don't agree with you, prefer other merhods). If you exhibit/display an iota of logic, you will be ostracised from the current group that's handling the virus. Mandatory masks - how the f..k did this become a political issue? Mandatory quarantine - ha ha, look at dim wits who were parading around with guns in MI The problem in our country is that people (mostly on the right) have been taught to mistrust science. So sorry your logical suggestion will be laughed at by the Republicans and unfortunately they are in power.

Amazon goobgoob Jul 7, 2020

Then why did liberal and left leaning countries have a lockdown or are they also ruled by Republicans? (I'm not Republican)

Amazon qato Jul 8, 2020

South Korea and Taiwan did what the OP suggests as it worked. Too bad Trump didn't listen.

Google snoopi Jul 7, 2020

This is NOT about the pandemic. Initially the lockdown was to : 1. Flatten the curve 2. Increase hospital capacity, testing facilities , protect care home residents and increase PPE for health care workers. 1 happened and 2 never did. A couple more months of this and we will be entering into a wave of suicides, Heath problems, bankruptcies etc. I’m Pretty scared for the future-not the virus itself but the larger economic and social implications. There is no honest conversation about the fact that a vaccine may never come. I was all for the lockdown initially until it’s obvious that what lockdown was intended for never happened.

Genesys washtub Jul 7, 2020

It didn’t happen because we did not stay locked down long enough. The countries that stayed locked down for 12 weeks are opening up now. Since Trump got all the hillbilly’s out, and Pence told everyone that Memorial Day was when the economy was going to reopen, we never were able to get our cases down. Throw in Trump and Pence telling people NOT to wear masks—here we are.

Genesys washtub Jul 7, 2020

All we have to do is lockdown—this time like we mean it, for 12 weeks and mandate that everyone wear a mask. If we did this, by October we could reopen the country.

Google PEoM00 Jul 7, 2020

- Shut the border - Deliver everyone 2 weeks rations of food - Redefine essential worker to actually essential (e.g., power plants) - Require everyone stay home for 2 weeks - Require essential workers live at work. Pay extra - Life in prison if you later test positive for Covid (proving your broke the rules) Pandemic solved. The fact that we can put a man on the moon but not accomplish this is astounding. Like yeah it would suck but so does the on/off quarantine rules for the unforeseen future.

Genesys washtub Jul 8, 2020

Exactly. Basically a 🔒 down, lol. You are 100% right. Do that, and in two weeks if things aren’t better, do two more weeks. Keep going until you essentially “firebreak” the 🦠.

Intel Bosshawgg Jul 8, 2020

You don’t understand human psychology. You probably believe real socialism would work too.

Genesys washtub Jul 7, 2020

We should have locked down longer like New Zealand. We didn’t stay locked down long enough to halt the cases.

Facebook Uhmbreon Jul 8, 2020

People also didn't comply with the orders (and still aren't complying even as cases skyrocket) - it needed more teeth.

Ancestry sexy_abb Jul 7, 2020

They should have done what Korea did. Wear masks and have hand sanitizer available everywhere. Test regularly and stay home if you are positive. US was too late on all fronts

Intel Bosshawgg Jul 8, 2020

Korea didn’t mandate wearing masks. They didn’t lockdown as much as the US either.

IBM L6noogler Jul 8, 2020

I say do a government-forced lockdown with military and national guard intervention. States with borders preventing travel. Then quarantine the military and national guard.