Lose 25K earnest money or complete the purchase

My husband and I made an offer on an 685k townhouse style condo in suburb Seattle about 2 weeks ago and now is in process of closing. We are having cold feet about this place because we were rushed into making an offer, since there was already two other offers made the day we visited. We thought it was a good deal and went with it, because we saw some new constructions nearby were selling for 740k+ with the same builder and floor plan. But now I realize the place was not what I wanted: its tightly packed and you look into a courtyard which basically is rows of other peopleā€™s windows; the windows are small and there is not much light; no walking closet / small closet space and with 1400sqft / 3 rooms, I think it will be too small since we are planning to have a kid very soon and have parents over. The master bedroom only have a shower as well. Most importantly, I think we overpaid since the same plan were sold for 650k December last year. The real estate agent rushed us into waiving everything so if we back out now we would lose our earnest money of 25,000$... In retrospect there is nothing I liked about the place, we just lost offers to bidding war before this and were in a bad state of mind... We thought about just completing the offer, but with the current market and uncertainty from COVID19 I am not sure we would make the money back even in 5 years, and tbh I really donā€™t like the place and donā€™t see myself in there for 5 years... on the other hand 25k is a lot to swallow. What should we do in this case? I am losing so much sleep over this...

Amazon Jake__ Mar 31, 2020

Give up 25k, I know it is a lot but there is no point in spending 650k if you donā€™t like the house. Also, the way things are going, you might find something way better for 600k

Microsoft re@lDTrump Mar 31, 2020

You must be the seller

Apple autom Mar 31, 2020

Why did decide to buy at all? It was more or less clear two weeks ago that real estate market going to tumble pretty soon

Thumbtack bgse43 Mar 31, 2020

Thank you Captain Hindsight!

Zyzyx TimZuck Mar 31, 2020

Donā€™t buy a home you donā€™t like. Itā€™s going to give more pain than losing 25K. Selling a home later on will cost more due to agentā€™s fees.

buysvxy Mar 31, 2020

Hey agent, give me back half the 25k and i'll buy something else from you

Microsoft Pzto28 OP Mar 31, 2020

The earnest money goes to the seller, not the listing agent...

Amazon stop_rain Apr 1, 2020

Nice seller agent. "Raise the offer and waive contingencies." Sorry for you folks.

nVent AUnp17 Mar 31, 2020

Did you buy at talta in Ballard by isola homes ? We looked a little as well and then backed out two months back since the market seemed unstable

Microsoft Pzto28 OP Mar 31, 2020

No itā€™s brownstones in Issaquah highlands. The new construction nearby is Westridge

Indeed j6UnAQ Mar 31, 2020

As far as the cost, potentially over paying by $35k seems to be basically equivalent to losing $25k in earnest money.

Workday Lvfr24 Mar 31, 2020

Get the earnest money back!

Microsoft Pzto28 OP Mar 31, 2020

We waived everything since the other two offers did so thereā€™s no way of getting it back if we were to back out....

PayPal OceanBlue Mar 31, 2020

That isnā€™t true. It will be up to the seller to give it back but you can convince them. Not sure the laws in WA, but if you object then it has to go through arbitration and the seller would need to disclose if they want to relist (at least in CA).

sexygirl Mar 31, 2020

Eat the cost, buying the house is gonna cost you much more long term pain. And find a new real estate agent!

Microsoft BadRobot Mar 31, 2020

This. Get a new real estate agent ASAP! From what you describe, your agent was only interested in pocketing their commission, without any consideration for your requirements.

Dropbox iMKO43 Mar 31, 2020

Drop them during inspections. No questions asked. Win-Win. You have a good area. Honestly would just go through with it vs losing 20k right now. Can always get creative and rent it to someone just have enough savings. And even if they dont cover 100% of the mortgage you will at least be at a total loss. If things balance out later down the road you just might even beat the losses through the right tax set up. Contact an attorney who is familiar with real estate and talk to them about the worst case scenarios. Just in Case.

Walmart alHU28 Mar 31, 2020

I think op mentioned they went in without contingencies

Dropbox iMKO43 Mar 31, 2020

Tight spot. Rough times :$.

LivePerson New22 Mar 31, 2020

DM me. I went through something very similar.