Bad acting, lies and gaslighting in god awful RTO video

I've seen better acting by hostages in direct to DVD movies. Study after study has shown working from home is more productive, but cue the CEO and his bootlickers to lure you back in with bad coffee, coerced pleasantries and a stale environment. #RTO #WFH #webmd

Surprising Working From Home Productivity Statistics (2024)
Surprising Working From Home Productivity Statistics (2024)
Apollo Technical LLC
Meta Rune Scim Jan 9

Idk why but the vending machines in the background really triggered me. Forcing people to come back in only so you can nickel and dime them over a snickers bar. Wtf.

Internet Brands hriV17 OP Jan 11

The original office in downtown Manhattan had a full free staffed coffee bar, and in office gym. To lure us back with vending machines and cheap coffee maker is laughable.

Internet Brands APuB76 Jan 10

Wikipedia translates that line in the song to "kiss my ass" but I guess the Grateful Dead site is the better source... ('s%20story,-James%20Crawford%2C%20gave&text=Crawford%3A%20It%20came%20from%20two,a%20song%20out%20of%20them.)

Honeywell ImagoMK Jan 11

Working from office is the best way to work for the majority of people. You are either in the minority of people that are more productive and "better" at home, or you are delusional.

McKesson nomad_99 Jan 11

I am all for working from office/RTO as long as it's the only way I work. I cannot work 8 hours at office and be expected to put more hours working from home.

Internet Brands hriV17 OP Jan 11

You're not going to get a raise for anoninously bootlicking. I provided the data. The emperor has no clothes. People are more productive at home. Deal with it cupcake.

Splunk Code_Monki Jan 11

This is like when teachers scolded the class for misbehaving. If worked here and was on the fence about leaving, that video alone would motivate me to start sending out resumes.

JC9459 Jan 11

They had comments in the video previously, so many employees were asking for raise increase or at least a cost of living increase, because raises have not gone out when they were due in July. The comments ended up being turned off

qrst123 Jan 11

They go so much flack they updated the video and added in a literal shrug emoji (🤷🏻‍♂️) Truly a spectacular lack of self awareness with this one.

kvGh03 Jan 11

the UPDATED video is so bad I wish I caught the original

mktn101 Jan 11

these mofos look depressed. corporate slavelandia

KevinW23 Jan 12

I was ever sent a video like that, my resume would have been updated and I would have started looking for another job ASAP.

csautot Jan 24

This could be the trailer to Office Space 2! 😂