Misc.Jun 4, 2019


I was fired at FANG after four months of work. Shall I include it in my resume? If I don’t include it, will I be revealed during background checks? I am confused. Please help. Yoe: 1 Tc: 58k non-tech Europe.

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ Jun 4, 2019

How tf do you get fired in 4 months? Can't be FB, most of that is in bootcamp lmao.

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

Bootcamp was 1 month

Facebook ⭕w⭕ Jun 4, 2019

Fair enough, but I could have pushed 0 diffs for 3 months after bootcamp and not get fired so you clearly dun goofed.

Cisco whatsapper Jun 4, 2019


Logitech pASd78 Jun 4, 2019

What I was thinking too. Amazon is the only FAANG pulling shit like that

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

No, it was my fault. Can you help and suggest a solution for my case please?

Capgemini vevo26 Jun 4, 2019

What happened? Depending on the reason, it wouldn’t hurt to talk about it at an interview and point out what you learned from the experience. Don’t think they usually show up in background checks... unless it was so serious the police was involved (like harassment)

aok❄ Jun 4, 2019

^^ clarity around the circumstances is important

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

It was not that serious. No police involved. Just breached privacy of a colleague. Do you think I should include it?

Amazon hot 🍞 Jun 4, 2019

That's tough, what company? How did this happen so quickly?

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

It was a mistake from my side. Do you have any useful suggestion?

Snapchat eeXB43 Jun 4, 2019

Background check does not reveal anything about termination reason. You can basically say you quit.

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

But will it not look bad on resume that I worked only for 4 months?

Snapchat eeXB43 Jun 4, 2019

One of my friends who was a really good software engineer quit Amazon after 6 months. He is pretty open about it. But I don’t know your situation. Just saying that your situation is not unheard of.

Google aiqqu Jun 4, 2019

What happened though?

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

Dont ask me that question please. It was a mistake I did, a stupid mistake. Do you have a useful suggestion for my case?

Google aiqqu Jun 4, 2019

The answer to your question depends on the circumstances of your situation.

Amazon PT Cruiser Jun 4, 2019

No way it’s Amazon. We would have given him 3 months to figure out how to deploy his cloud desktop. After that it would’ve taken 3 more months to learn brazil and BONES.

Amazon ps.ily Jun 4, 2019


Facebook CuckerBerg Aug 25, 2019

LMAO. Interned there, can confirm

Amazon 🥳💵🔫🍀🇺🇸😂 Jun 4, 2019


FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019


Facebook ⭕w⭕ Jun 4, 2019

OP: We actually care a lot more about what caused you to get fired, can you just spill the goods and let us know? Come on bro.

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

Employers can’t know why I was fired. The official information that my company provides is that I didnt passed probation period. I cant understand why it matters now?!?

Bird babyeng Jun 4, 2019

We don’t necessarily need to know what happened in order to help you. But this is blind. We help each other by sharing these things that aren’t normally discussed publicly.

Amazon SeekingHLP Jun 4, 2019

It will show up on your background check, with dates. So you will have to show up, at least for few years. I believe most background check goes back 5-7 years.

FamazonANG OP Jun 4, 2019

So you think I must include it?

Amazon SeekingHLP Jun 4, 2019

Yes, and think about how to share that information as a story, which is true but doesn’t make you look bad. Don’t bring the experience up in the interview but be prepared, most interviewers will ask you about it.