PoliticsMar 28, 2019

A Democrat who dislikes Socialism

I would like to propose an alternative fact that exposes our country’s current socialism. I think that republicans would agree to getting rid of these dumb policies: 1) Federal military - Expensive socialist program putting us in debt and letting Americans die overseas 2) Police Department - Let us use our drugs! 3) Fire Department - not needed 4) Postal Service - obvious bomb threat 5) Public landfills/garbage - bury it in your own backyard! 6) CIA / FBI - I need cheap drugs from the cartels and Western / Southeast Asia. They combat my American right to free market 7) Congressional Healthcare - Socialist healthcare ‘nuff said 8) Public Schools - Don’t Need Texas whacko’s writing words my children read 9) Public Jails/Prisons - Expense. Sell the slave labor of private prisons. 10) Medicare / Social Security - Old people’s votes hurt my political desires. I need them extinguishing faster. 11) All government officials’ pay - no government or free government 12) Courts - let citizens use their rights and free will to enact justice on their own. 13) FDA / EPA - bunch of fear mongers who won’t let me use Led in my paint. Snowflakes. I glazed over a few, but this entire list is un-American and stealing my tax money. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2012/3/29/1078852/-75-Ways-Socialism-Has-Improved-America?

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Daily Kos
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Credit Karma EllisDee25 Mar 28, 2019

Modern capitalism uses states and corporate and government bureaucracies in order to function. Get over it. Liberals and conservatives in the US confuse socialism with Social Democracy. Socialism would be replacing corporate and government bureaucracies with democracy by workers. Social Democracy is a capitalist country with regulations and public services.

Intel DonaldDD's OP Mar 28, 2019

“Regulations” “public services” Let me tell you about a country called Venezuela that decided they wanted to be “hip” and turned towards the devil of socialism. They fell face first into a latrine!

Microsoft PhòBowl Mar 28, 2019

DonaldsDD, I think the comment clearly called out that they’re not advocating socialism. What part of that didn’t you get? Even today or under small govt Republicans, Regulations, public services, defense/law enforcement, judiciary etc have always been under the realm of the govt. Nothing new.

Google r4wj Mar 28, 2019

"daily kos" More high IQ takes from the "roads are socialism but Venezuela isn't" crowd I see 😂

Intel DonaldDD's OP Mar 28, 2019

You’re more socialist than roads, Venezuela, and Karl Marx combined

Google r4wj Mar 28, 2019

"Socialism is when the government does things. The more it does the socialismer it is." - Carl Marks 🤓

Google Pazzi Mar 28, 2019

Without the military, we won’t be able to bully half the world into giving us their resources for cheap. For 5% of the world population we consume 25% of its energy and resources. The mighty US dollar would be worth the same as a Venezuelan peso. The world would not be helping us run $16 trillion in debt. Our dreams of empire will be brexited into the annals of history.

Intel phdsbn Mar 28, 2019

All socialist ideas sound good in the beginning. With that said, is there a reason why teachers get 70 days of vacation while the rest of us get 10? Do we need more post office in the US than McDonald’s plus Wal-Mart? Do we need 50 military bases spread around the country or 2-3 on each coast? Conservatives main point is that states should do most/all of this and not the federal government. Then Americans can pick and choose where they want to live based on their desires rather than forcing Republicans to live by Democrat standards (socialism) or Democrat by Republican standards (no abortion).

Intel DonaldDD's OP Mar 28, 2019

I believe that having 10 days is a corporate controlling/brainwashing culture scam. You don’t have enough time to see through the BS. Also, teachers get $$💩 💩 💩 / year. Did you grow up in the US? Teachers are off only when students are.

Intel phdsbn Mar 28, 2019

Teachers in CA get over $100K TC to work 1/2 as much time per year in a classroom as private sector spend in an office. And it doesn’t matter if they completely suck, they can’t be fired. The most efficient model is that teachers and students would be in classrooms from 8am-5pm 50 weeks per year to match when parents work. The model should have changed 50 years ago when agriculture ceased to be the primary industry of employment, but government never adapts.