CompensationAug 24, 2019

AWS Principal Consultant - Dallas : Salary Range?

I am being asked by the recruiter to provide a ballpark number of what i am expecting as total comp. It’s an L7 role located in Dallas. What’s a good range to provide when starting negotiations. I have 15 years of relevant experience and am currently in a Senior Technical Leadership role (VP) at a technology startup. My experience lines up with what they need and travel involved will be significant.

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Twitter rebutfyl Aug 24, 2019

L7 in Seattle is ~450k TC. You can extrapolate based on that

mds007 OP Aug 24, 2019

Thanks, would a range of 350-400K be okay to provide? Or is that asking too much. Or do I need to be lower?

Visa Jdmfe Aug 25, 2019

You should ask for 450. If it is too much, the recruiter will tell you that. Be more assertive and dont let them lowball you.

mds007 OP Aug 25, 2019

Ok, sounds good.

Twitter riverlake Aug 26, 2019

Can you please update thread (or DM me) when you get numbers?