CompensationMay 17, 2018

Amazon Lowball

I just received an offer from Amazon. I interviewed for SDE2 but was offer SDE1. The offer is TC $150k and I have a competing NYC offer that is TC $225k at what would be equivalent to an SDE2 position. This seems extremely low for an engineer with 2 years experience. Any advice on how to negotiate? Also is it possible to negotiate this into an SDE2 position?

Oracle Microsoft. May 17, 2018

Interview with another team

Microsoft wXrj81 May 17, 2018

Oracle OCI!

Oracle Microsoft. May 17, 2018

3 fiddy!

Daimler SeaWolf May 17, 2018

Dude just go to NYC then, seems like a no brainer

Amazon Andjdjfbaj May 17, 2018

That’s barely more than me with 0 years experience.

Amazon superclose May 17, 2018

Amazon would rather downlevel in error. There is money (possibly more at "junior" levels) outside of FAANG. I would take the NYC offer and look at the growing bank account for satisfaction.

Amazon -anon- May 17, 2018

Anything under $350k on blind is low. But seriously, 2 years experience is not much. You have a great offer in NY. You can let the recruiter know about the offer to see if they can counter, but it is likely above anything you will get at Amazon for only 2 years. If you interviewed for SDE2, and we're offered SDE1, then you already gave it a shot and it reflects the interviewers assessment. As the post above says, your only shot at Amazon SDE2 now would be interviewing on another team so that other interviewers can review.

ForeSee 2bFANGr May 17, 2018

Can you share sde1 offer details? I am in the same boat expecting an offer too.

Amazon Gucci Gang May 17, 2018

One could point out that 150k in Seattle isn’t the same as 225k in NYC. I mean New York is f*cking expensive.

Amazon superclose May 17, 2018

You could live comfortably in Hoboken or Newport without having to Shell out any more than you would in areas close to downtown Seattle.

Snapchat IIIIlIllI May 17, 2018

They know people are not coming even they offer similar package as other companies. In this case low-balling people hoping that they don't have other offers sounds like the way to go.

Amazon VTech Bro May 17, 2018

You should pick the NYC 225k offer, the 150k offer for 2 yoe is very reasonable and realistic.

Tinder meowimacat May 17, 2018

What's the company in NYC?