Tech IndustryMay 3, 2019

Apple SWE Interviews Information

This is a public service announcement. Apple Interviews specifically for teams unlike Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Lyft etc. I interviewed with 3 teams and all 3 teams interviewed quite differently. There's no standard preparation for Apple Interviews. I had one team interview me all LC med questions, another team had me build a website from front end all the way to database on laptop, another one with a functional programming question and pseudocode question. Being strong with design patterns and multi threading helped. I got 2 accepts and 1 reject.

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Arista Networks unVS80 May 3, 2019

Did you spend 3 different days for 3 onsites with them or was it all covered in one day?

Capital One zolk13 OP May 3, 2019

3 days

Arista Networks unVS80 May 3, 2019

Damn that was some time investment!