DiversityJun 1, 2018

Asian Americans are the least likely in the US to be promoted to management

https://hbr.org/2018/05/asian-americans-are-the-least-likely-group-in-the-u-s-to-be-promoted-to-management What are your thoughts? Are Asians discriminated against because people just assume Asians are smart and do well in school? Are Asians just shy and not go getters? Are Asians content with making a good salary and just don’t want the added stress of management?

Asian Americans Are the Least Likely Group in the U.S. to Be Promoted to Management
Asian Americans Are the Least Likely Group in the U.S. to Be Promoted to Management
Harvard Business Review
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Apple MAGA2014 Jun 1, 2018

SAD! It might be because they are being labeled “Asian American”, instead of just “American”. Our German American President will fix this.

Microsoft Rohs82 Jun 1, 2018

German is much more specific than Asian

LinkedIn 改邪归正 Jun 1, 2018

Yeah, the white CEOs of Microsoft, Google, and Nvidia should move aside for some Asians.

Apple cho Chang Jun 1, 2018

Lol Indian isn’t Asian

Oath XmAu73 OP Jun 1, 2018

Agreed with cho. But yes, the article doesn’t really specify who is considered “Asian”

Sapient Razorfish AL4NTUR1N6 Jun 1, 2018

Thx SJWs!

Twitter FANGT Jun 1, 2018

San Jose west?

Facebook Pangea Jun 1, 2018

No, google the term.

Twitch 🌲50TC Jun 1, 2018

There’s a cultural aspect of being deferential and unassertive as an Asian male. This also comes into play in the dating scene. Yes it’s a stereotype but I can confirm as an Asian male. Most with good jobs landed them because of book smart but never developed that social intelligence needed to move up

Microsoft Rohs82 Jun 1, 2018

Luckily assertiveness is purely cultural and can be changed.

Amazon wwqwwq Jun 1, 2018

You look at these companies and they are all american companies. It's like if you go to Asia you dont see other races in management either. Also, the Asian with management skill go start their own businesses. Out of the asians I know. The ones with upper management skills have gone to create their own successful companies.

Google isthecoast Nov 8, 2018

Asian "American"

etJe45 Jun 1, 2018

Most Asians I know are too passive and have poor communication skills or are too quick to shy away from any kind of confrontation, so I would agree. Some of my friends are just insanely smart technically but I just don't see them being a capable leader. This is especially more true amongst Chinese internationals. It seems like they aren't very open to assimilating into American culture and mostly talk in Chinese amongst themselves. Indians on the other hand are the complete opposite, and I always hear them speaking English amongst themselves most of the time. This can probably explain why there are much more Indians in management than Chinese.

Microsoft Wellness Jun 1, 2018

Don’t be a racist. I see Indians criticizing Chinese a lot in Blind. Most of Indians marry via arrangement, watch Indian movies mostly, eat Indian food, shop at Indian grocery, play or watch no sports except cricket, listen to Indian music etc. How is assimilation? If you have kids, you will know science and coding camps are 90% Indians and almost 0% Indian kids in sports camp. Maybe non tech Indians assimilate more but tech people at least don’t seem changing at all. Compare that to Asians. They don’t marry via arrangement, movie theater is full of Asians, music concert whether it be classical, musical or pop, there are a ton of Asians, you also see lots of mixed raced couples from Asians but almost no Indian-non Indian couple. Indians speak English because they speak English at home country not because of assimilation effort.

Pandora Pfaa13 Jun 1, 2018

Indians talk among themselves in English because they don't know each other's local language. English is their common language

Uber Tyroneb Jun 1, 2018

Not at Uber, where we have Asian managers who only hire other Asians (chinese) and the team speaks only chinese, except for when their one white person comes to stand up.

Nordstrom BillSavag Jun 1, 2018

China china

Microsoft Wellness Jun 1, 2018

So Indians don’t do this? Get out of Indian bubble. Lots of people chat about Indians hiring and promoting only Indians. I have observed too many such instances and Microsoft is dominated by Indians. Chinese are afraid of firing white Americans at least but Indian managers don’t hesitate replacing them with people coming from India. Just start an honest conversation with non Indian people, man.

Google quora_TW Jun 1, 2018

White and Indian men tend to overestimate and talk themselves up and this is seen as assertiveness and confidence in America. Chinese men are more realistic and humble about their abilities. Women (of all ethnicities) tend to underestimate themselves and not speak up enough.

Nordstrom BillSavag Jun 1, 2018

I call that bullocks

Apple MAGA2014 Jun 1, 2018

Here in America, we refer to castrated bulls or young bulls as “bullocks”.

Oath XmAu73 OP Jun 1, 2018

Curious to hear more thoughts around Asian Americas born in America. Not those who immigrated.

LinkedIn 改邪归正 Jun 1, 2018

27% of Goldman Sachs is Asian American? Then what is the percentage of actual Asians?