CompensationAug 1, 2018

Avg salary of L8 in India?

I need to refer somebody at L8 position in Amazon India. He has 20 yrs experience. What is the avg salary L8 may expect in India? I understand it will all depend on fitment, negotiation etc, but what is the general amount?

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Microsoft the_wise Aug 1, 2018


Amazon Xvw Aug 1, 2018

Indian English

¢ Aug 1, 2018

Does it mean fit?

Amazon xLps82 Aug 1, 2018

Actually British. You learnt something new boi.

Amazon Xeret Aug 1, 2018

L8s have similar compensation all across the world - so it’s easily 30 million INR. (This was couple of years back and with stock appreciation should have gone up!)

Apple cho Chang Aug 1, 2018

It’s not the same all over the world. Even within the US, amazon pays more in Bay Area than Seattle.