Tech IndustryMay 21, 2019

Behavioral interview at Google?

The recruiter said for the onsite I'd have 4 coding interviews and 1 behavioral interview. What should I expect at the behavioral interview? (For SWE role)

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Zymergen UHhx43 May 21, 2019

It's likely just to judge how you work well in teams. Expect questions about disagreements, criticism, communication styles, etc

Twitch OWL#1Deal May 21, 2019

What is something I can learn from you if I went Into your browsing history? Time you convinced a difficult colleague Biggest failure / disappointment / fuk up Favorite Google product and why and how to improve it Why gewgle

Atr May 21, 2019

Lol @ browsing history question

Facebook ⭕w⭕ May 21, 2019

You'd learn there's nothing there because I do all my dirty deeds in Incognito Mode. I convinced a difficult colleague to give hotpot a chance for lunch and we have been getting hotpot once or twice a month since. Biggest failure: Not solving LC hard in under 30 minutes when it mattered most. Favorite Google product: Google Reader, because it was a good way to manage my RSS feeds you assholes. You can improve it by bringing it back dammit. Because Blind says so.

Google sfPO86 May 21, 2019

More on leadership as well

Amazon jskhdk OP May 21, 2019


Google wazzup May 21, 2019

"Tell me about a time when..." put a situation here.. I'd suggest thinking about cases when you made tough choices, had argument, helped others etc.

Amazon jskhdk OP May 21, 2019


Amazon Jеff Bezos May 21, 2019

So Google is asking Amazon LP questions now?

pbYo77 May 21, 2019

Damn I wish I had a behavioural round when I interviewed

Google nocomp May 21, 2019

Why? It doesn't give you extra points, it just yet another filter.