Tech IndustryOct 11, 2018

Best company to move

6 yoe all in Amazon. Which company is worth exploring next?

200 Participants
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Sauce Labs Sylver Oct 11, 2018

People who voted "Stay in Amazon" 👏🏻

Square SQ Oct 11, 2018

Come to SQ, join a company that is growing

Twitch @#$_&-+()/ Oct 11, 2018

FB is not even in top 3. If you would have taken this poll few months ago, I am positive that FB would be in top 2 with Google. What have you done Zuck.

Google topCon Oct 11, 2018

"I'm so sorry for what happened..."

Microsoft Grabbb Oct 11, 2018

Zuck doesn’t care - he is super rich

Microsoft Grabbb Oct 11, 2018

There are such useless questions. What is the best company , what company is hot , where should I go next , who pays the most . Tired. Just be happy where you are , think why you want to change , what is your motivation and goals , what space you want to work in ? It’s your personal choice and you need to pass the interviews too. If someone says join company A will you join ?

Google GAFAM Oct 11, 2018

The answer is all. Competing offers! Literally any of them can offer the most TC due to interview performance causing up/down leveling and lowballs.

Microsoft Grabbb Oct 11, 2018

Well said

Microsoft DOyu71 Oct 11, 2018


Bloomberg iVX372 Oct 11, 2018

You work for Amazon. There should be an "all of the above" option.

IBM 9789426748 Oct 11, 2018


Microsoft Grabbb Oct 11, 2018

Me me me , I hear they want to move into in house content